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Karen O'Kain <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 07:36:18 -0600
text/plain (111 lines)
That's right.  They are books from the Gutenberg Project.  In addition all
the books in the Texas Accelerated Reading Program are available on CD with
the Kurzweil.

Karen O'Kain

--On Saturday, June 23, 2001, 11:08 PM -0400 MARLENE MCINTOSH
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I believe that there is already a CD-ROM with over 1100 books in ASCII
> text format that comes with the Kurzweil 3000 format.
> Marlene McIntosh
>>>> [log in to unmask] 06/23/01 20:12 PM >>>
> Hi listers! thought I would send this forwarded message.
> David from Arizona.
> ----------
> | From: richard seltzer <[log in to unmask]>
> | To: richard seltzer <[log in to unmask]>
> | Subject: books on CD ROM (the next stage beyond PLEASE COPY THIS DISK)
> | Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:34 PM
> |
> | At one point or another your requested information regarding PLEASE COPY
> | THIS DISK, our project to make public domain books available on
> diskettes.
> |
> | After eight years of our doing that, it's now high time to make these
> texts
> | (and far more) available on CD ROM -- providing many more books at far
> less
> | cost in an easy to use format.  We're calling this project SEEDY PRESS
> -- | books on CD ROM.
> |
> | Many of you probably already have general collections of popular classic
> | texts on CD ROM.
> |
> | But is that all you need?
> |
> | I'd like to make available an enormous number of texts, providing
> greater | variety of choice and breadth and depth than what you are
> familiar with. | That would give
> | you the opportunity to read the other works of authors that you have
> sampled
> | before and to pursue topics of interest to you in the detail you wish,
> | rather than being dependent on the selections that others have made for
> you.
> |
> | I just built the first of these CDs -- American Literature before 1920.
> It
> | consists of 349 books, in plain ASCII text, with each author's works in
> a | separate directory, and with a comprehensive HTML index page with
> links to
> | all the exts, for easy navigation. The price is $29 (i.e., less than
> nine
> | cents per book).
> |
> | Authors include: Louisa Mae Alcott, Horatio Alger, B.M. Bower, Ambrose
> | Bierce, Willa Cather, James Fennimore Cooper, Stephen Crane, Richard
> Harding
> | Davis, Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Zane Grey, Bret Harte,
> | Nathaniel Hawthorne, O. Henry, Olvier Wendell Holmes, William Dean
> Howells,
> | Washington Irving, Henry James, Jack London, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
> | Herman Melville, Frank Norris, Edgar Allan Poe, Upton Sinclair, Henry
> David
> | Thoreau, Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner, Walt Whitman, Stewart Edward
> | White, and many others.
> |
> | It includes well-known works and also works that are very hard to find
> and
> | have been out of print for decades. The collection of Westerns, by
> authors
> | like Bret Harte and Zane Grey, is particularly interesting.
> |
> | You can see the detailed table of contents at
> | http://www.samizdat.com/amlitcd.html
> |
> | If there is enough demand to justify the work involved, I'd like to put
> | together four more CDs, in the same format, and to add new books to each
> of
> | these CDs as they become available.
> |
> | The other CDs would cover British/Canadian/Australian Literature,
> Nonfiction
> | (history, science, religion, etc.), World literature (in English
> translation
> | and also in the original language, when available), and Children's
> Books. | They too would have hundreds of books and would sell for $29
> each.  The full
> | set of five would probably amount to between 1200 and 1500 books -- a
> | complete library. (All would be texts published before 1920, and hence
> in | the public domain.)
> |
> | Please let me know if you like this approach.
> |
> | Suggestions welcome.
> |
> | Richard
> |
> | Richard Seltzer, [log in to unmask], www.samizdat.com
> | Internet marketing consultant www.samizdat.com/consult.html
> | Ebook at Mighty Words -- Take Charge of Your Web Site
> | Coming soon from Wiley -- Web Business Bootcamp
> | Online discussion http://webworkzone.com/bootcamp
>  Audio of three Internet business speeches www.samizdat.com/internet
> | 617-469-2269