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"Dr K. Schneider" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Mon, 9 Jun 2003 17:05:15 -0500
text/plain (91 lines)
>Date:         Mon, 9 Jun 2003 13:32:36 -0400
>Reply-To:     APA Division 12 - Clinical Psychology
<[log in to unmask]>
>Sender:       APA Division 12 - Clinical Psychology
<[log in to unmask]>
>From:         Ken Pope <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Toll Free Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities
>To:           [log in to unmask]
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 Jun 2003 17:32:40.0350 (UTC)
>I thought that the following announcement from the U.S. Department of
>Transportation might be of interest to some list members, their families,
>colleagues, clients, and students.
>"Ethics of Practice: National Survey of the Beliefs & Behaviors of
>Psychologists As Therapists" (American Psychologist):
>"Maybe not.  But the Lord willing, I'll  keep you scratching."
>--Sojourner Truth, a former slave who walked to freedom, to a heckler, who
>yelled at her in 1845 that her anti-slavery talk didn't mean anything more
>to him than an old fleabite
>------ Forwarded Message
>The U.S. Department of Transportation is calling on all disability
>organizations to promote public education about its Toll Free Hotline for
>air travelers with disabilities through their organization newsletters,
>list-serves and sponsored events.
>The Toll Free Hotline for disabled air travelers has been in operation since
>August 2002 and is available for callers from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern
>Time, seven days a week.  It is currently not being fully utilized.  The
>Hotline serves two main purposes: (1) education and (2) assistance in
>resolving disability-related air travel problems.
>*    Many disabled air travelers are not aware of their rights and the
>Hotline, in part, exists as an educational service to inform air travelers
>with disabilities about their rights under the Air Carrier Access Act and
>the Department's implementing regulations 14 CFR Part 382 (Part 382).
>Hotline operators are well versed in the ACAA and Part 382 and can provide
>callers with on the spot general information about the rights of air
>travelers with disabilities.  The Hotline operators also respond to requests
>for printed consumer information about air travel rights of the disabled.
>*    The Hotline can also assist air travelers with disabilities in
>resolving real time or upcoming issues with air carriers.  The purpose of
>"real-time" assistance is to facilitate airline compliance with DOT's rules
>by suggesting to the passenger and the airline involved alternative
>customer-service solutions to the problem. The airline remains responsible
>for deciding what action will be taken to resolve the issue in accordance
>with the ACAA and Part 382.  Generally, if a caller has a real time problem
>or an upcoming issue with an air carrier, a Hotline Duty Officer will
>contact that air carrier and attempt to resolve the issue. For example,
>there have been a number of incidents in which Hotline Duty Officers have
>contacted air carriers and convinced them to accept service animals and
>electric wheelchairs on board flights, to stow folding wheelchairs in the
>cabin, and to provide requested wheelchair assistance.
>Air travelers who want information about the rights of persons with
>disabilities in air travel or who experience disability-related air travel
>service problems may call the Hotline to obtain assistance at:
>                1-800-778-4838 (voice) or
>                    1-800-455-9880 (TTY).
>Air travelers who want DOT to investigate a complaint about a
>disability-related issue still must submit their complaint in writing via
>e-mail at [log in to unmask] or postal mail to:
>                Aviation Consumer Protection Division
>                U.S. Department of Transportation
>                400 7th Street, S.W.
>                 Washington, D.C. 20590
>To request flyers promoting the Hotline to distribute to your membership,
>contact (202) 366-1617 (voice) or (202) 366-0511 (TTY).
>              ---------------------------------------------
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