Hi Paul,
Mon, 20 May 2002 09:59:39 -0500 Paul D. Legere said:
>Hi list. I wonder if those animals that were easiest to catch would have
>been (generally speaking),in poor condition and lower in fat than the rest
>of the heard. Any thoughts?
Your idea may apply in many instances but I suspect that most of the large
animals were killed in the ways that did not select in that manner. If you
look at a buffalo jump (as used by natives of North America) the meat
selected by such methods might be the healthier more robust animals as they
would be leading the herd.
Also, very temporary surpluses are predictable in the context of such
hunting practices. One might therefore expect taste preferences to dictate
which meats would be consumed most..... I find that fatty meat tastes
best wishes,
Ron Hoggan
Co-author of Dangerous Grains