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George Sarr <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Jun 2002 21:38:02 -0500
text/plain (99 lines)
Momodou S Sidibeh,
  That we are all fallible is no happenstance. It is a FACT. Slice it any
way you like, you have just proven that you are no saint. But your motion
passed, our objection notwithstanding. The very Gambia-L rules you lot
crafted after what happened the past couple of weeks when a list member
was delisted for using the word "dickhead" and got mobbed and harangued on
the folly of his usage of such term by you self-proclaimed moralizers. A
word which albeit sounds graphic to our hearing, simply means a stupid
individual. In fact that very word is synonymous to the word you yourself,
Momodou S Sidibeh of all people, just used in your recent posting; and I
mean your usage of the word "imbecile" which also means a stupid individual
to every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a dictionary in hand. So why the double
standards, I ask? One cannot get any hypocritical that this. You wrote and
I quote,
Perhaps it is good that you signed off Gambia-L, being the social imbecile
that you have proven yourself to be on this list. If anybody uses your
writing to lash at me you will get an equal dose of the bitter medicine you
deserve - openly or in private! "

This coming from a new inducted Gambia-L List Moderator/Moralizer is very
disconcerting and at best hypocritical. According to your own rules and
guidelines, RULE #2 states:

"2. Please refrain from name-calling and insults. List Managers would,
without warning, unsubscribe violators of this rule. Some people
questioned what we term as offensive language. The bottom line is that any
language is offensive if we would not like our kids to throw at us. These
include but are not limited to insults, swears and all those things most
Gambians would call "Neng Diro" in Mandinka or "Saaga" in Wollof. In other
words, language that is not acceptable in every day Gambian public places.
We are aware that no one is perfect including us all but those who abuse
their privileges of being here on the Gambia-L and at the same time ignore
our warnings both privately and in public will be delisted without
hesitation. "

Further, your mission statement stated verbatim:
"Subscribers are expected to maintain a mature and responsible tone in the
contributions they send to the list. Nevertheless it's hoped that our
individual sense of responsibility, fairness, and decency, coupled with
the community policing of the list will help prevent, and contain outbreaks
of poor taste in our debates. "

Mr Sidibeh, you've got to see the irony in this. First you call him Yus
(which is real name) , and then you call him  "the social imbecile" . If
that is not 'name-calling', then what is my friends. Not only that, it is
an 'insult' because those who know or heard of Yus, will tell you that he
is one of the smartest gambians they know. That you can't tkae away from a
MIT graduate my friend. So there are two keywords worth noting here;
NAME-CALLING(Yus) and INSULT(the social imbelice). Go back to Rule#2 and
see what I'm alluding to. It should be pretty cut and dry. I hope your
list management peers will take note of your breaking your own goddamn rule

         Au Revoir          ____________    __o
 -/ _/   _/   _/      _/______________     -\<,_
_/  _/   _/_/_/   _/  _/                 (_)/(_)
_/_/ eor _/   g_/e  _/_/
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« L'un des fondements de la morale tient dans l'emploi judicieux
  des mots adéquats, au bon moment et au bon endroit. »

From: Momodou S Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Goodbye Gambia-L
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Jun 01, 2002

Perhaps it is good that you signed off Gambia-L, being the social imbecile
that you have proven yourself to be on this list. If anybody uses your
writing to lash at me you will get an equal dose of the bitter medicine you
deserve - openly or in private!

Momodou Sidibeh, Stockholm/Kartong.


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