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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wally Day <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 12:00:48 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Is Dateline repeated? I missed it.

Today I was in my health club and saw a photo and bio
of a woman who won a local 'body transformation'
contest. She lost a s**tload of fat. I paid close
attention to what was written about her diet, and the
bio said it was all meat and veggies. The diet was
designed for her by the health club manager -
apparently a paleo/Atkins proponent. I guess I'll have
to check.

Here's another article I stumbled upon, excerpted from
Paul Becker's Truly Huge newsletter (I had to retain
the links and recipe so as to not violate copyright :)
For those of you looking for articles, you can add it
to your arsenel.

           FITNESS TIPS FOR 7/17/2002

by Vicki Palmer

For decades we've been bombarded by the propaganda
that whole grain foods are superior to their refined
counterparts. Health food gurus sing the praises of
whole-grain food products. The USDA food pyramid
recommends eating 6-11servings of grains per day,
of which most should be whole grain. Is there really
that big of a difference, or has the "whole wheat"
vs. "white" campaign really diverted our attention
from what really matters: wheat vs. meat?

Wheat and other grains are inferior foods. They've
always been known as fillers in the food industry and
restaurant business. They're good for filling up a lot

of stomachs cheaply. They increase portion size
without increasing expense and they appeal to the
consumer that sees them as tasty, and perfectly
healthy because they are "low-fat".

Whole grains are scantly more nutritious than refined,

enriched grains. Either choice is a poor way to spend
calories. Two slices of white or whole wheat bread
have 140 calories. Compare these to each other as well

as to a 2.7 oz sirloin steak that also has 140
calories. The whole wheat bread has 2.2 mg of niacin
compared to 1.8 mg in white bread, whereas the steak
has 3.2 mg. Either bread has trace amounts of folic
acid, while steak has 7.5 mg.Bread has meager
quantities of a few other B vitamins while steak
contains the whole spectrum of B vitamins, including
vitamin B12 (which is found exclusively in meat
products.) The steak also contains significant
quantities of minerals such as zinc, copper
and magnesium which are virtually absent in the

However, the numbers don't tell the whole story. There

are components in whole wheat products that actually
make it more unhealthy than white flour. Whole wheat
includes the bran, which is high in phytic acid.
Phytic acid binds with minerals and can prevent their
digestion. Whole wheat also includes the germ, in
itself a common allergen. The germ contains most of
the oil found in the wheat kernel. This oil tends to
go rancid and is what causes the bitter taste of whole

wheat foods. Rancid fats are harmful to the body.

The other danger in believing in the whole wheat myth
is that a person is liable to eat too much, thinking
that it's good for him. For years, I fervently held to

the whole grain theory. I would rather make something
for myself than buy refined products. I made breads,
pastries, pizza crusts and sauces using only "100%
whole wheat flour". Oddly enough, I felt no better
than when I was eating a diet high in refined flour: I

was bloated and overweight and constantly fatigued.

Our bodies run best on a diet of nutritionally-dense
foods such as meat and vegetables. Grain products tend

to crowd these items out of our diets, especially in
children who eat based on taste rather than reason. So

don't feel guilty for choosing white over wheat and
don't fool yourself into thinking you're helping
your body by eating whole grains. Ideally, grains
should be avoided altogether and their vacancy filled
with another serving of meat or vegetables.

The Truth Shall Set You Free (And It Will Also Make
You lean And Beautiful).

If you were to consider that man's natural diet were
the "truth" and that any departure from that were
a "lie" then you could see that the average American
is overweight from eating too many "lies". His ideal
body, with structure and features grown to their full
genetic potential, could be the "truth". Instead, the
body of the average American is actually a lie: a
distorted body, bloated and misshapen. The continual
inflow of lies has interfered with the proper function

and development of the body.

Changing to a diet closer to the truth can bring about

amazing changes in physical structure. Weight returns
to normal, whether up or down. Facial features become
more defined as excess fat and water deposits are
disposed of. Skin tone improves and body odor


A high-protein breakfast is a great way to start the
day, but it's also when most of us are the most
rushed. Breakfast Salmon is quick to prepare and it
can bake while you're getting dressed.

Breakfast Salmon:

1 lb. salmon fillet
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dried parsley
1 tsp. dried chives
1 T. olive oil (or olive oil spray)
1/2 T. butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and dry salmon and
place in baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and rub in
with fingers. Sprinkle parsley and chives over fish.
Drizzle or spray with olive oil. Use fingers to spread

around a bit if needed. Dot with butter. Bake for
20 minutes.

Serves 3-4.


You can use other types of fish though you may need to

vary cooking times to prevent drying out.

Vary the herbs to your taste. Thyme, basil and dill
are good additions. Prepare the fish the night before
and just put in the oven in the morning. You can use
with frozen fillets straight from the freezer. Bake 10

extra minutes.


It's important for each person to choose what they
eat. It shouldn't be based on fear but on facts. The
fact is that there is a proper diet fit for human
consumption, just as there are special "diets" for
dogs, cats, and elephants. No, humans are not
animals. But, like them, we do need to eat food.

There is a true, natural diet for man. You can find
out what it is at my wesite EATING MEAT:
Click Here</A>


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