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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 14:20:18 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)

One of Yahya's agents a man who identifies himself as his uncle(name
withheld) if I reveal his name one of my sources will be arrested or
killed.This seditious  and shallow arms trafficker was intercepted and
questioned in Brussels Belgium.The guy had a Gambian diplomatic passport
issued to him by The Gambian authorities.The messenger could only speak
French and one Gambian dialect(that is strange).I can understand if someone
from our sweet country can only speak one of our dialects but the french
part of it, is what puzzles me?
The guy was ofcourse issued a Gambian Diplomatic passport (number withheld
for now) as OPTV is working on camparing it's findings with what is
registered at foreign affairs.Actually OPTV has also learnt that there are
three places that issue diplomatic passports in Banjul now,contrary to what
is normal.That is,
The NIA (this agency impounds stationary from the protocol division and
issues passports to applicants they want to conceal). The president's
office itself and then some are issued at Kanilai.Such operations are what
Yahya does for foreign agents like his friends from Cuba and those that he
hires from agencies like the Executive outcome(paid mercenaries).The
issuing authorities as far as diplomatic passports are concerned will never
take the risk of refusing to sign those passports if it is Yahya who
instructs his terrorists to get one or in most cases,many.
Yahya's so-called uncle must have gotten his through the same channel.This
man was quizzed in Belgium and then finally revealed that he was on a
mission to Turkey Istanbul to purchase a helicopter for Yahya.From 1994 to
date how many times have Gambians been hearing and witnessing about
diplomatic passport scandals? Babanding Sisosoho,Zeinab's own father,Samuel
Sarr,others and others.This should not be strange to anyone who reads these
The Belgian authorities will certainly clear their name as far as such
notorious deals are concerned.
Victor Bout's traces were noticed in Belgium and they will go all out to
clear themselves!
Yahya and his uncle have obviously been trafficking arms and they will be
exposed sooner than expected.
Another saga involved one Muhammed Jammeh who also identifies as his
uncle.The story on Muhammed Jammeh could not be hidden like that of his
uncle in Belgium.Muhammed was his representative in Libya.The Independent
news paper wrote that story on long time ago.I salute the
independent for their steadfast professional principles.No wonder they are
being threatened everyday and every night.
Muhammed Jammeh was arrested with a lot of Gold.He was detained and the
commodity was confiscated.Here we have a criminal trying to use diplomatic
immunity to escape being sent to jail for offending the laws of The
Jamahiriyya.He was whisked out of Tripoli like a dog and the gold was
retained pending the usual diplomatic traditions.Is that not an
international disgrace? Well Ghaddafi is far smarter than those who beg for
left overs from him.He has finally succeeded in using mad Yahya and then
disgraced him in the open.The Gambian mission is Libya has been locked and
the ties that exist between these two in compartible systems are
unfriendly.Why hasn't Yahya sent the Libyans out of  Banjul if he is the
brave soldier that we heard about?
Gambians had a video tape that was shot on German TV revealing that Yahya
hid some of Mobutu's gold in The Gambia after the late dictator passed
away? Well Yahya was quick in trying to mask that by saying(jokingly)that
if he had seen the gold himself he would have dug and sold some.This was
laughable and unexpected from a responsible leader.What do we have other
than a mad man and a so-called monkey president.
Ok Ask yourselves these questions..
Where did Mobutut die? In Morocco.
Where was he buried? In Morocco.
Where did Yahya get his naar from? Mororcco.Where has Yahya bought a grave?
In Morocco!
Didn't Switzerland produce documentary evidence against Mobutu's traces
after he died?
Yes they did.Will they reveal anything on Yahya if Gambians have stron
legal representation? Yes they have promised to do so. OPTV can discuss
that with Lawyers like Pa Eddi Faal if he is ready to step in and help us.

Yahya a Brave soldier? Goodness!!!!!!!!!!! Hey you know what?! being given
a chance to lead a band of bandits who stole power,in what was supposed to
be a military maneover, is far from being brave! Infact for those who tell
us that Yahya is brave please ask him why he called L S Marong bad driver?
LS Marong was seen during the dark july 22nd speeding with Yahya.You know
why? Yahya was rushing out of sight when he was told that Chongan was
holding the bridge.It was when Sana and others urged him not to retreat
that his shameless face stayed behind the moving squad.He was lucky because
Chongan with all his courage had no support and his amunition was
finished.Chongan would have certainly repeated his actions at depot ie
pulling Yahya's balls!
This shameless mad man! When people say that am angry it makes me
laugh,ofcourse am angry because it is genuine for every Gambian to be angry.
If his cronies want evidences we will give it to them in tons and that is
why we are eager for Yahya to sue me to any court.Evidence and concrete
documents against who Yahya Jammeh? Give me a break please.Only the
gambiapost and gambia-L archives are enough to send this Kanilai snake to
If anyone of his cronies needs evidence particularly on Muhammed Jammeh let
them go to Yahya's foreign affairs.The files are piled there,unless if they
were burnt or buried.

OPTV'S facts were gathered and archived and I swear by The Almighty there
are intelligent agencies following this mad man and he will see.Yahya has
made a big mistake by sending here empty heads to defend him.OPTV has so
many channels that are currently dessiminating these revelations to
interested parties.For these lackeys Gambian Post and The L are where
people stop.May be that was the case before but not now.These are fora
where poeple share views and there are so many others that are vehicles
which transport messages too.The reason why OPTV is sharing some stuff with
our friends on line is nothing more than showing  respect to our own
people. This, is a citizen-centered operation and Gambia stands to win.

Binneh S Minteh,

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