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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Michael Cook <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 21:37:04 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

It's certainly been interesting reading about everybody's gluten dreams!
Thanks to all those who responded.

48 people responded.  Of these, 41 (85%) reported that they either have, or
have had, dreams about gluten.  Some of the issues listed in the dreams were
social, but the most frequently mentioned was a panicky, nightmare-like
experience brought on by accidentally consuming gluten in a dream.  People
reported that they would wake up feeling guilty or scared, often expecting to
get sick from the dream contraband.  A couple of people mentioned that they
were afraid that they would do the same thing in real life - eat something
like bread and realize halfway through that it was full of gluten.  Several
people mention that these dreams decreased in frequency as time went by
post-diagnosis.  Of the seven people who responded that they had never had
gluten-related dreams, two said that they don't remember their dreams at all.

There were several unusual dreams reported that bear mention.  One person
dreams about gobbling up Little Debbies which seem to miraculously appear out
of thin air; another dreams about cooking tasty GF treats.  One person
responds to her abdominal cramps and pain with dreams of being in hospital
expecting a baby.  Another has dreams about receiving communion, and being
sick from it.  One person gave a report of a dream which so eloquently sums
up many of the issues related to GF living, I want to quote a section:

"In my now 8 gluten-free months I have had dreams where I am a guest speaker
at a banquet, or an honored guest in someone's home and the tables are laden
with sweet rolls, pizzas, cookies, pies - everything is bread, and everyone
keeps asking why I'm not eating, and didn't I enjoy this or that.  Each time
I try to explain, their eyes literally glaze over, become clouded with
cataracts and I realize that they can't even see me, then notice they're
still talking - so they can't hear me even though I feel like I'm BELLOWING.
More frightening still are the dreams in which I am eating gluten - I have
yet to realize mid-dream that this is the one time it's okay, because it
isn't real."

One person, [log in to unmask], felt the need to be rude, responding with,
"No, get a life."

Thanks for sharing your dreams with me.


* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *