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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 23:09:30 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (151 lines)

How about recalling the way that Ousman Koro Ceesay died?(may his soul rest
in perfect peace).In was in 1995 on a cold morning that The Gambian people
were woken up by a loud and sorrowful cry from the birds and the wind that
was blowing up above in the sky.This call was full of fear and despair,it
was a call that many did not expect.Gambians saw in their dreams wings of
abstract vampires.Vampires that were flapping their wings above roof tops
and sending a chilling message,a message of sorrow and wickedness.That was
the end of mutual respect between families and peaceful co-
existence.Distrust replaced trust and suspicion replaced compassion.Koro
was gone and gone for ever.On a bridge near JambaJelly a wretched black
mercedez car was found by poor villagers.Those villagers were used to
riding on horse and donkey carts but not visiting gruesome scenes.They
raised the alarm and alerted the helpless police officers.If leaders turn
to killers then it will be diffciult for police!  offciers to trace the
wrong doers.Foroyaa did very well in trying to explain the scene of crime
and give possible leads.Their explanation could only be based on what they
saw and what they heard.Traces and sources are what help investigations.One
of the facts that foroyaa presented was the possibility of how an airbag
could have protected the driver of the car(who was supposed to be Koro) if
the vehicle had hit a hard substance or face a sudden impact or shock.The
possibility for Koro  to jump out (if he was driving) was there under
normal circumstances.Knowing that Koro was an active person.That situation
was however,not normal.This was a calculated act of terrorism by state-
sponsored killers.Those who killed Koro are still killing our people.
The traces that were found at the scene indicated that the car was locked
up and his head was blown off by a grenade or smashed by something else
(excuse me if you are a member of Koro's family when reading this).My
intension is to help get these killers and not enjoy writing this story.
His charred remains that were taken to the RVH gave us more clues.Many
people went to see these remains at the RVH,some could not stay especially
when the religious leaders started reciting the kuran and praising him and
his father and the entire Ceesay family.It was horror and real horror for
that matter.This picture is still printed in the minds of many Gambians.No
pathologist dares show us the real results to date! The same pathologists
were hijacked on April 11 2000 when our poor children were murdered by
trigger happy para military officers.Why did they want to abduct Omar Joof
from Dakar if the coroner's story and those of the pathologists were
accurate? The RVH is one of the places to be stormed when the predicted
changes happen in the very near future.Everything in those pathologists
lockers and stretchers,from 1994 to date, should be packed in cartons and
transported to the Hague directly.There are places that should never be
ignored in any investigation that is det! ermined to excavate and expose
Jammeh's dirty past.

The evidences against Yahya Jammeh are being sprayed around by those he is
working with in Banjul.There are so many of his so-called commandos that
some of us can train these are soldiers who are not loyal to Yahya.Most of
them are scared because they have seen how Martin and Musa Jammeh slaughter
their folks.But the boys are getting ready and certainly Yahya will face
the bulltes just as Mainansara was taken by surprise.Yahya's agents
especially those who conduct his private errands are the ones who expose
him on a daily basis.They are easy to penetrate because they leak like
hell.They expose so-called top secrets to High School girls or those
prostitutes standing along the Senegambia high way.Everyone in Banjul knows
that when Yahya says:XYor Z should smell the coffee means that person is to
be killed by Martin and co.Those who kill for Yahya are the most respectful
and jovial especially towards their targets,or the names of those that they
have in their diaries,who're to ! be killed at night.They are very cunning
and full of cowardice.

Gambians have once again been told that,the recent killings in the kombos
were carried out by unknown assailants and the last one was being cooked up
as if it was done by those poor cattle rustlers.Gambians do you wnat to
believe in that garbage? Gibba the NIA field officer was within the circle
and he knows a lot. If one were to apply one of the court TV methods,from
US forensic experts, it is obvious that these killers were going to be
caught near Kanilai or Dobong.More over if OPTV's agents complete their
findings you will see more revelations.

The youth leader also died in the same manner and within the same
area.There are two options here;
-The killers are sending a messages that they are mercenaries who are going
to shake up the country and they are after the state agents and no one
else. Or they are sponsored by the state itself. Both are possible and both
are an outcome of Yahya's inept methods.
Ask yourselves this question: What is the difference between the NIA and
the youth leaders or the formwer members of the July 22nd movement? Then
the is difference between Gibba(may his soul rest in peace) and the youth
leader who died in that very vicinity? Both are agents of terror and
institutins that serve Jammeh's cause and not the people.
Both organs were being used prior and after the 1996(rigged) elections.They
were allocated vehicles and and supllied arms and amunition.These are mad
agents who have no formal military training course.Their training was done
in the AFINJANG double cabins that they were using and whipping people in
the provinces.That very madness helped Jammeh declare himself an elected
insult of the millenium.For me Binneh,Yahya Jammeh is nothing other than an
insult! he is not a president.It was after he crossed and was being a so-
called president of that unfortunate Republic of  ours that he scatterd
those small vampires.The youth leader without any doubt was playing the
same role that Gibba was playing in that area and beyond.Unfortunately
Gibba was silenced by those who used him and you will very soon hear from
the OPTV about that.Gibba was eliminated in the Kombos where many others
have been burnt to ashes.Was Koro also not murdered in that area?The
Geography remains the same and the pa! ttern also remains the same.
Some hypothesis sees a different perspective here that is,the state might
have studied Gibba's trend therefore gathered facts that he had minor
problems trying to regulate cattle rustling in that area,based on that
slight opportunity they eliminated him and then attempted painting a fake
picture.It is a lie and the truth shall emerge very very soon.
Look at what the daily observer wrote within two days.They first said that
Marenah the director cinfirmed the story and siad he did not know who
killed Gibba.The next article they wrote that he had a quarell with cattle
rustlers! Now why could they not quoted the same Marenah again? Or wait for
him to get to the bottom of things if he can ever do that?!
The daily observer's article was pre-emptive and they were trying the so-
called accused in absentia while simulataneoulsy siding with an unknown
killer within their midst.
Was it  a deliberate article that was cooked up to save the junglers again?
By the way I want to inform the observer that Mr.Muhammed Cham of walf
radio flatly denied that any one of them ever contributed to what the
observer wrote on them two days ago.I spoke to him this evening.Anyone can
simply call him and verify....the number can be provided  to those who are
ready to call.Please I have recorded all my conversations with them for
further justifications.I will in the future resort to sending voices and
images on line.Am out to expose Yahya and pull the veil that is my mission
and  I will succeed with the help of Allah.The voice of the people is the
voice of God.
Gibba and his colleague died after being hit by the hidden arm of the worst
killing machine in West Africa.They were used before by the same butchers
and are being engineered to eliminate one another.That will certainly make
Jemus laugh but he will follow suit very soon.
Jemus should be ready because he kills so many people and there are
relatives who have not! forgiven him.Chinese say revenge is sweet.
I am one person who will never forgive Yahya.It is no sin to avenge the
wicked for the sake of God.
Jammeh has to remember what a famous African political prisoner said: YOU

Yahya will certainly not leave power in a peaceful way,I do NOT ! like
seeing him happy and he will certainly shed tears.Bloody tears for that

Binneh S Minteh
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