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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Musa Amadu Pembo <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 15:00:49 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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(Friday, February 14, 2003)

Monotheism: the greatest command of Allah – Al-Talib

The Imam and Khateeb of the Grand Mosque, Sheikh Saleh Muhammad Al Talib, in
his Friday Sermon said that by fearing Allah, Muslims will earn His pleasure
and bounties, and they will be safe from ordeals and have their sins
He said that pilgrims did the Tawaf (circumambulating around the Ka’aba) and
Saie (walking between Saf’a and Marwah hillocks), stood at Arafat, threw
pebbles at the Jamarat and thereby completed their Haj rituals: which is a
great bounty and the pilgrims should be immensely grateful to Allah, obey
His commands and avoid sinful acts. “One of the greatest commands of Allah
is monotheism (belief in the Oneness of Allah) and the gravest of sins is
polytheism (associating partners with Allah).Just as Allah bestows His
bounties on people,so should they thank Him alone and should not associate
partners with Him, for Allah says; ‘O men! Call to mind the grace of Allah
unto you.  Is there a creator other than Allah, to give you sustenance from
heaven and earth? There is no God but He: how then are you deluded away from
the truth?’” “The Haj is a school where (the pilgrims) learn the greatest
lesson of monotheism. (Allah says;) ‘Behold! We gave the site to Ibrahim of
the (second ) House, saying: Associate not anything (in worship) with Me.’”
Sheikh Al Talib said, “Pilgrims of different races, speaking different
languages and belonging to different social status come from every  corner
(of the world) in one uniform for the sake of worshiping Allah alone. The
Ummah is in a desperate need of self accountability and they need strengthen
their relations with their Lord, determine their shortcomings and set them
right. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “I have created Jinn and men that they
may serve Me.’ so the worship of Allah is the essence of your religion but
people have drifted away from it.
Allah sent Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaaho alaihi wa sallam) to guide people
to monotheism. Allah graced the Muslim Ummah with the Holy Qur’an in which
He says: When my servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them)
I listen to the prayers of every supplicant when he calls on Me.’”
Sheikh Al Talib said, supplications are (therefore) part of the worship (of
Allah).He wondered, “Despite the clear injunction of the Holy Qur’an, some
ignorant Muslims still cling to heresies and in their needs they turn to
stones, monuments and dead people. Muslims should turn to the Holy Qur’an in
order to make sure that their deeds do not contradict (the principles of)
monotheism and the religious scholars to enlighten the people about the
correct principles as the Ummah has become weak, the Muslims have become a
target of enemies because they have drifted away from the fundamentals of
their religion. The glory of our Ummah lies in Islam and if we seek glory
elsewhere, Allah will humiliate us. Throughout their history, Muslims have
won battles not because of large numbers, but because they adhered to their
religion and were sincere in worshipping Allah.” Sheikh Al Talib urged
Muslims to seek recourse to Allah and reform their faith if they want to be
strong and victorious.

The Imam and Khateeb of the Prophet’s (Sallallaaho alaihi wa sallam) Mosque,
Sheikh Abdul Bari Al Thubaiti said.  “Allah is not in need of the worship or
obedience from the people,” quoting the Holy Qur’an in which Allah says:
“Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any
is ungrateful verily Allah is free of all wants, worth of all praise.” A
living man “has several needs and ambitions and if he does not show
obedience to Allah, then he is a humiliated servant of money, social status
and the devils among Jinn and men - who allure him toward sinful acts. Allah
is merciful to His slaves thus He opened wide the gates for them, such as
reading the Holy Qur’an, prayers, fast, almsgiving etc., so that they may
come closer to Him.
“Worship in Islam includes all deeds that a man does,as long as they are
done with sincere intentions and for the sake of (pleasing) Allah, in order
to earn His pleasure. It is worship to do social work and helping each
other, and a person should not isolate oneself from life or keep himself
secluded from the society.
“Even going out to earn livelihood for one family is worship as long as it
is earned through lawful means and for the sake of (pleasing) Allah. Being
dutiful to parents, keeping god relations with ones kith and kin, removing
harmful objects from the path; are all acts of worship (in Islam).”
Sheikh Al Thubaiti urged Muslim to repent for their sins and purify
themselves of the wrong deeds and “when (sincere) repentance of someone is
accepted (by Allah) he feels relieved and he aspires to do more good deeds.
“The continuity of good deeds indicates that the heart of that man is linked
to his Lord. Worship is a comprehensive system of life, and whoever takes
one part of it and neglects the other, has violated the Prophet’s
(Sallallaaho alaihi wa sallam) guidance.
“The Prophet (Sallallaaho alaihi wa sallam) did not fast the whole year, he
would establish night prayers as well as sleep and he married women. Muslims
are required to follow the example of the Prophet (Sallallaaho alaihi wa
sallam).” Sheikh Al Thubaiti concluded.


Du’a (Supplications)

With the very best of good wishes,
Musa Amadu Pembo
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Da’wah is to convey the message with wisdom and with good words. We should
give the noble and positive message of Islam. We should try to emphasize
more commonalities and explain the difference without getting into
theological arguments and without claiming the superiority of one position
over the other. There is a great interest among the people to know about
Islam and we should do our best to give the right message.
May Allah,Subhana Wa Ta'Ala,guide us all to His Sirat Al-Mustaqim (Righteous
Path).May He protect us from the evils of this life and the hereafter.May
Allah,Subhana Wa Ta'Ala,grant us entrance to paradise .
We ask Allaah the Most High, the All-Powerful, to teach us that which will
benefit us, and to benefit us by that which we learn. May Allaah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala grant blessings and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family

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