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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 17:16:40 -0700
text/plain (48 lines)
>Six weeks ago I switched doctors and thyroid replacement (125 mcg Synthroid
>to 60 mg Armour). After two days I noticed I was slowed, and eventually
>began taking 90 mg Armour, which I've been on for four weeks.

First of all Zoloft and some of the other antidepressants are known to skew
TSH results, so having your previous doctor lower your thyroid dose based
on TSH while on Zoloft could have been the wrong thing to do. Your doctor
had all the information he needed to do the right thing though (low T4,
increasing Blood pressure).  So, it may take longer for your body to "heal"
from prolonged periods of being under treated.  TSH of 1, *with resolved
symptoms*, is the target that the best thyroid docs seem to go for (in my

 From the Forest Labs website, I found the following chart of "equivalency" :

Judging  by this, your 90mg Armour seems to be just a bit higher than your
125mcg of synthetic, which by your description may have been too low to
begin with.   My doctor seems to think that 2 gr (120mg)  of Armour is a
fairly standard dose for straightforward cases of hypO.  I'm on 4gr (240mg)
and feel fine, not hyper at all.

I know that after I switched from synthetic to Armour, my experience was
that I felt great initially on each increase, but after a few weeks, I
would experience a dip in energy, increase in symptoms.  Once I got to my
current dose, that went away for the most part.  Another thing to consider
is the adrenal system.  If you have undiagnosed low adrenals, you may also
experience that "dip" after an initial improvement.

Hope that helps!

- Kevran (Hashi's HypO)

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