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Ashley B <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:12:30 +0930
text/plain (71 lines)
>> From:  Skipper Beers

>> First question is do you think you might be on too much thyroid?
>>.. that can cause muscle weakness, and yes low thyroid can also
>> If you have other hyper symptoms like rapid heart beat, high
>> blood pressure

Thanks Skipper, I don't believe I have any of the hyper symptoms.  No
palpitations, needing heaps more sleep, low blood pressure, low energy etc
etc.  When I said extra T3 wasn't helping - I probably need to clarify.  I
am currently taking 100 mcg T4 and 20 mcg T3 (10 mcg T3 8 am and 10 mcg 2.30
pm).  I tried adding another 10 mcg - but I have enormous problems
remembering to take the last dose.  And if I take it around 4 pm - I am
tired, but unable to sleep at night.  The last couple of days I have tried
very hard to remember to take 3 doses much earlier during the day - last
dose around 2.30 pm and that has helped a llittle - but I still sleep the
sleep of the living dead! - although awake extremely refreshed the next
morning.  (I have finally found a compounding pharmacy which can make up my
T3 in time release base - so that may be a little better.

>> is that it's common for us to have low adrenals.

This may be my problem, but I cannot get this treated.  I specifically
requested to see Endo no. 2 to investigate my adrenals.  My blood test was
low, and he told my primary care Dr. that he was going to send me for
Adrenal  Low Dose synacthen stimulation test (whatever that means).  On my
return visit, he had a change of mind and told me that I was to have another
blood test, and if that was also low, then I was obviously a person who
simply operated on low adrenals!!!  I asked why no Adrenal stimulation test,
he said he now did not believe that was necessary. (Couldn't give a reason)
So needless to say I could see no point in having yet another the blood test
which he wasn't going to treat  anyway - so I did not return for yet another
hugely expensive consultation!  (This Specialist is probably our State's
leading diabetic specialists) - he was just so stressed at 2nd interview
that he could hardly make sense of his casenotes - he just kept staring at
his notes!!).  It is a worry when we have these burnt out Drs. trying to
make decisions which affect our lives!! - I don't know what the answer is,
but it's a worry!

>> that is important for the eyes.  In addition to that I added
>> Ginko blloba, increases circulation to the brain
>> and the small blood vessels in the eyes,

Thanks for that tip - sounds like a good thing to try - will get some from
my Pharmacy.

Thanks again

Ashley in South Australia


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