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Andrea Briand <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:46:12 -0500
text/plain (45 lines)
Very, very interesting!!  Curious though, was your leg able to heal before
thyroid hormone?  I wonder if a similar type ofthing might be happening
with me.....if there is full truth to this...not that I doubt your doctor,
just that no doctor has ever mentioned this could happen, nor had I ever
heard about it until now (but, I have to admit my knowlege is still
limited).  If you find any information documenting this phenomenon, please
let me know.


>I was diagnosed with Hashimotos last Aug. after having a severe Strep A
>infection in my leg.  I don't have any other family members who have
>thyroid problems.  My doctor (an endo) told me one current theory about
>why people who have no family history of thyroid problems may develope
>autoimmune ypothyroidism after a severe infection.  Apparently, some of
>the proteins in the thyroid that are involved in the synthesis of thyroid
>hormones (and thus are not found elsewhere in the body) are similar in
>structure to proteins on the cell walls of certain bacteria.  It is
>thought that when the body is responding to an acute infection (or perhaps
>an immunization?), the body becomes confused and manufactures antibodies
>that destroy the proteins in the thyroid, causing autoimmune


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