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Skipper Beers <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 14:36:40 EDT
text/plain (56 lines)
> Andrea Briand <[log in to unmask]>
>  My potassium level is 3.9 (range 3.5 - 5.0), so if accurate it should not
>  be a problem

That's what your doctor would say about TSH.  I've read books by DC Jarvis,
and MD from the 1950s and the makers of apple cider vinegar, the Braggs.
They say pottasium is extremely important to health.  It may fix a thyroid or
an adrenal problem..  True or not, I don't know.

I do know that I hadn't felt well for a few months.  I had some labs done,
started taking some things I was low in such as B=12, iron, and DHEA, and
also added the apple cider vinegar regimen.  I feel much better now.  You are
supposed to add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to
a glass of water.  These would both be raw and unpasteurized which means
generally from a health food store, processing make sit useless.  I know some
nutrition people say whether you take honey or table sugar, it has the same
effect.  It probably isn't true. Somehow I think baby bees need vitamins and
minerals.  Because it has two different types of sugar in it, and they are
absorbed at different rates Jarvis tested patients and found honey only
mildly elevated blood sugar levels.  It contains trace amounts of the
minerals iron, copper, manganese, silica, chlorine, calcium, potassium,
sodium, phosphorus, aluminum, and magnesium.  And who knows what other
elements are in it that scientists haven't identified yet.  Apple Cider
Vinegar also has a lot of trace minerals, particularly potassium some of the
supporters say it can cure either a thyroid or an adrenal problem, that
potassium is the most important mineral for good health.

If I had an infected knee that wouldn't heal, I would probably be sure to
take a good mult vitamin plus get large amounts of Vitamin A, which is the
best infection fighter (and the food source you'll find the most of this in
as well as large doses of many other vitamins and minerals is beef liver,
whole food is generally better that supplements if you have a source),
Vitamin C, and potassium, doctors would tell us when our infants were sick to
get them things that would replenish their electrolytes, that would be
potassium.  Hypothyroid people have problems converting beta carotend into
Vitamin A, so that means if you want it from food it should be from meat and
not salad.  Honey kills bacteria, there are some surgeons who still use it
for cleaning wounds after surgery, on the Discover Channel they told how some
surgeons were curious and tested honey on all kinds of bacteria and it killed
them all.  I don't know if this works when you eat it as much when you put it
on a wound, but it's worth a try.


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