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Denel Wardell <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Dec 2003 16:33:25 -0800
text/plain (119 lines)
Hi has been a while since I have written...but I have been
lingering and reading.  Now I am need of some input.
This may be a little long, but because of finances I have had to stop
going to the dr. or paying for meds.

Over the last year I have been trying to figure out everything going
I have gone back over my journals (that I have kept off and on over
last 20 years) and discovered some odd things.  I seem to have
developed a
very "regular irregularity".  Maybe someone out there has some input
experience that can help me figure this out...

October - February:
I have a constant menstrual flow that includes clots, cramps, fatigue.
battle a lot of depression.  I gain weight.  I tend to be slightly
anaemic(probably from the menstruation). After this, for about 6
weeks: I
have no flow, but I am still quite run down and still tend to gain
>From about April - August: I tend to have a "normal" cycle with 8
days of
heavy flow every month.  This is the time period when I can usually
about 10 lbs.  I seem to get a fairly good appetite, and I don't feel
run down all the time. For about 6 weeks, I don't have any flow
again...but I seem to start feeling the depression again, and feeling
tired, and my appetite seems to vanish. Then, in mid-October I start
whole process all over again.

I had a tubaligation (cut and seared) 13 years ago, but I had
irregularities with my menstrual cycle and cysts off and on for nearly
years before then.

I grow cysts like there's no tomorrow.  I have had to have 4 surgically
removed (all on the right side of my body...not on my ovaries).  I
constantly have cysts on my right ovary.  And I have had a dr. show
me how
to drain the ones that aren't too far beneath the skin (that can be
and painful), which I have done probably over 100 times now, again,
on the right side of my body.  Plus, I have had two rupture that made
sick for a few days each time. I also supposedly have something like
fibroids in my uterus that my gyn said is like mushy cysts in the lining
of the uterus.  I can't remember what it's called, but it starts with an

My temperature is usually about 96.7 degrees, though my skin
usually feels like I have a fever.

I tend to not produce progesterone, and my body does not seem to
use the progesterone I was paying big bucks for.  I have a very high
of estrogen.

And I always seem to have an elevated level of white blood cell
count.  Even when I was feeling really good (which isn't very often),
I went in for a physical for a Scout trip, the dr. said I had an elevated
level of white blood cell count.  And once, when I went in for a
pap-smear, I had to get one every 6 months after that because they
an abnormal amount of white blood cells.

Add all that to a rapid gain of 60 pounds in a matter of a couple of
months about 10 years ago, and another 60 pounds gradually over
the last 5
years that I can't seem to lose no matter what I do. I should mention
about 3/4 of the year, if it weren't for needing to feed my family, I
would hardly ever eat.  Plus, I seem to have a constant craving for
protein that only beef, buffalo, or pork seems to satisfy.  I also try to
work out 3 times a week at a ladies' gym.

Oh, the other major thing I seem to deal with is psoriasis on my
scalp...and occasional sores on my legs.

Now, I seem to have different diagnosis from different drs. at
different times.  I have been diagnosed with extreme hypothyroidism,
a normal thyroid, then hypothyroidism, then T-3 normal but T-4

There is a lot more, but this is already extremely long.  I am currently
not taking any meds, supplements, etc.  I am trying to start from
so I am not constantly in the cycle of "Well, this med could have
that, or this may have caused that..."  I have to pay for each dr. office
visit myself, I do as much research on my own as possible, then go
to the
dr., so I waste as little of the dr's time, and my money as possible.

Any ideas or input anyone has, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks, Denel


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