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Skipper Beers <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 13:30:36 EST
text/plain (63 lines)
> From:    "Lisa D. McCoy" <[log in to unmask]>

>  This has been on going for some time. I wish my solution was as easy as
>  taking 3 grains of Armour, as it is now, my Doctor has still not even
>  given me a diagnosis, let alone, any medication.

From the time I visited a doctor with hypothyroid symptoms to the time I was
diagnosed was 9 years.  The first time I had a physical, and all labs were
normal.  As Dr. Derry says, that sometimes it takes many years for the TSH to
rise and match the symptoms of hypothyroidism, sometimes 20 years, sometimes
it never does.  In my case, since one doctor couldn't help me I never went
for the narcoleptic fatigue or the chest pain (after seeing a cardiologist
and being told my heart was fine), I never went for that reason again because
I knew what they would say.  My thyroid wasn't checked again until I
complained of plantar fascitis (later called "thyroid neuropathy" by
podiatrist, but not until after the Armour cured it) so bad that I had limped
on both feet for  4 years, my chest was still hurting (costochondritis and
other chest pain common in hypos) , I had developed a prostate nodule
(calcium deposit diagnosed by painful biopsy that doc said I didn't need, but
two grandparents died of cancer at young ages, Doc Don said one symptom of
hypo is calcium deposits)  and so was always in some pain there (and unable
to urinate completely), my testosterone was so low I needed injections, and I
felt totally non-functional.  That time, my TSH was elevated.  But I was just
as hypothyroid (though not as severe since I wasn't falling apart yet) the
first time I went for fatigue.

That's a prelude to telling you it is likely that your solution is that
simple.  It may simply be your doctor isn't bright enough to figure it out.
Sometimes because I know one good doctor I tell people to visit Dr. Donald
Michael in South Bend, Indiana.  (Phone (574)287-6010).  An initial
appointment at $750 or so may be expensive, but it's a lot cheaper than not
being able to work or think, nor to buy medicines to support the undiagnosed
or under treated hypothyroid condition. If you go to the archives, pick
advanced search and put in author Dmich, you can read some very valuable
information plus understand his philosophy before going.

My local doctor will work with me, and he really treats my thyroid condition
because he will listen to a logical viewpoint.  He's exceeded the dosage he
would have been comfortable with, but as long as my heart rate and BP are OK
he permits it.  He gives me Cortef for adrenal insufficiency and if his whole
afternoon reads "recheck for mono" and I'm in for that reason, as the
receptionist let me see one time that was his whole afternoon schedule, he'll
warn me that corticosteroids may lower the immune system.  But, he'll give it
to me because it helps, and my cortisol readings were low.  Certainly felt a
lot better once taking it.  So, you can avoid Dr. Michael and still be well
treated by a doctor who listens if you figure out yourself what you need, and
save a lot of expense.  Or you can go to Dr. Michael or someone like him, and
be well treated without having to spend years studying your problems first.

Skipper Beers

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