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Peggy Ramsden <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 13:19:45 EDT
text/plain (43 lines)
Each person may have different reactions.

When a doctor was trying to prove I was only depressed and not hypothyroid,
he reduced my thyroid meds until I could not function and gave me Effexor.  I
never got over the side effects and had no energy.  Then I had a battery of
psych. tests which showed that I had no clinical depression and typical
symptoms of hypothyroid and the connected (for me) hypoglycemia and no other
problem.  Duh!

An older friend (around 70) has bipolar and is blind.  The assisted living
place nurse aides dole out the medicines according to the dictates of the
internal med dr. who works for the place.  Fortunately she has a wonderful
psychiatrist.  Unfortunately she has had not so bright internal med docs.
I'd take her out for lunch and she'd fall asleep.  We'd talk on the phone and
she'd fall asleep in the middle of a sentence, half-way wake up and say
nonsense words.  She had terrible edema.  Her psychiatrist took up my
suggestion to test her for thyroid.  It was very low.  Her internal med doc
put her on a high dose right away (no gradual building up).  With some
adjustments, she soon lost the edema and was alert -- and her horrible
fibromyalgia went away.  Her bipolar situation has been stable since Sept.,
except for the time when her internal med doc deprived her of both her
thyroid meds and her bipolar meds while she was in the hospital for an injury
and a hospital-caused infection.  When she recovered she went back to her
psychiatrist who looked at her and said, "You are water-logged.  You have not
been getting your thyroid medicine."  He looked at her list of meds and he
was right.  Anyway, we both have seen how the thyroid medicine has lessened
her symptoms and feelings of depression and helped her with pain.

As I said, each person has a different experience.


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