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Skipper Beers <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 14:09:51 EST
text/plain (84 lines)
> Phyllis Davidson <[log in to unmask]>

>He didn't like the high dose I am on
>  especially as I was quite nervous which is not normally the
>  case on a day to day basis.

A doctor holds one's good health in the palm of his hand, there's no reason
to be nervous, is there?

My final visit to my female (no they are not more sympathetic or better
listeners than males) doctor the nurse had to take my blood pressure in both
arms. My pressure is normally 120/80 and she was bother by the 160/120
reading.  Do you think they warned the doctor before she came in to see me?
She pleasantly told me it was time to find someone else, and she was right, I
was there to ask for Cortef which I knew she wouldn't give me, and only
recently she had refused to treat my severely hypothryoid son based on
symptoms, and the proof that he was severely hypothyroid was in the fact that
he started growing and eating again when he went on Armour.

Doctors are morons.  Most of us would be better off prescribing for ourselves
and ordering over the Internet.

A few scraggly looking Muslims were responsible for attacking a couple
buildings in the USA, and killing a few thousand people and we put out a call
to go to war.(No I'm not a terrorist supporter and the decision to get those
who are responsible is the correct response as long as it doesn't mean going
to war with the whole Middle East with oil as the real issue, that's not an
accusation just it seems that frequently the real truth is hard to come by.)
  White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants tend to run the drug companies and the
medical industry and we seem to discriminate in the favor of these
businessmen we let kill ourselves and our children.

They put fluoride in our water which the Russians used to make prisoners
docile and stupid.  Making us docile and stupid is also what not giving us
enough thyroid medication makes us, we decrease our dosages and wonder why we
are suddenly so fatigued, why our feet hurt again, why our chest pain came
back because of the nature of low thyroid.  The brain may have a different
mechanism for getting enough thyroid hormone, but I think in it's
conservation mode it may preserve itself but it's at the expense of
intelligence.  We start having trouble speaking in clear sentences, we start
slurring words as if we were drunk, we start limping, and having difficulty
breathing, we start yawning for lack of oxygen, and then we ask "now that I'm
going down on my dosage am I having  these symptoms return because I'm low on
DHEA like the doctor says?"

Yep, I've been in that place for all the years I'm going to.  Hopefully, if
they take Derry down in Canada, and perhaps by the first appeals judge not
being willing to listen to the merits of Derry's arguments, the College
bought the judge who only had to stall for enough time for all of Derry's
patients to fall back into the mental stupor and brain fog they came from so
they wouldn't be as eager or as able to defend him.  Without his supporters
he may be less likely to win.  Hopefully, if he loses there's enough of us in
the USA who are afraid enough of going back to their waking comas, and the
state they couldn't think in that they remember two things.  Tyranny and the
reason for the second amendment.  We went to war over two silly buildings and
a few thousand casualties, more than that die every year, maybe every week or
every day if one thinks about it, because of Corporate Greed in the medical
profession, and there unwillingness to use Armour Thyroid, one of the
greatest therapeutic cures of all time.  I know a lot about what thyroid can
do, enough to know lots of people die in the agony of it, because it controls
the energy for the various systems of the body it may be unique in all the
bad things it can do to a person.  If it's not unique and there are other
ailments that have the same capability of destroying one's life by creating
all kinds of symptoms, then the damage is much greater than even I think. And
I'm already leaning toward the doctor Greg and Joan occasionaly quote who
says 90% of the population has a thyroid problem.

Skipper Beers

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