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Phyllis Davidson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 16:00:35 -0800
text/plain (86 lines)
Hi all
As Dr. Derry is still not able to prescribe for me and my
fellow patients I have been trying to find someone who would
continue with my present dose which is 490 mg of Thyroid ( 1
grain = 60 mg) per day. (2-125 in AM and 4-60 in PM). Not
having had any luck in B.C.,both my daughter and  I went to
Calgary Alberta to the Center for Preventative Medicine to a
Dr. Kim Wilmot. He considered that it was a matter of
malpractise that my daughter could not get anyone in our
area to treat her symptoms with a TSH of 5.5. even though
she has had Radioactive Iodine treatment and her levels are
inconsistant for eight years now because of the damaged
thyroid. They tried to get her to take Celexa instead even
with no depression symptoms. Unbelievable. To get to the
point though. He didn't like the high dose I am on
especially as I was quite nervous which is not normally the
case on a day to day basis. Insisted on many tests of which
the following were  above the top reference number or low
enough he considered should be supplemented -
    TSH        Result <0.01    Reference   0.20 - 6.00
    Free T3               12.8                        2.7 -
    Free T4               27.7                        8.0 -
    DHEA-S             2.3                          1.5 -
    Alkaline Phosphatase   146               30 - 145
    Ferritin                          208               12 -
    Urate                             443
              160 - 410
He wants me to take 15 mgs of DHEA daily and then decrease
another grain of Thyroid prior to repeat testing. I must add
that I decreased my dose already by one grain making it 7 x
60 mgs as I considered after the nervous experience in his
office, that as I had lost 22 pounds in the last few months
that I should be decreasing slightly. Does this sound
reasonable to anyone? I sure hate to be prescribing for
myself but I also know the shape I was in for 10 years when
I followed the instructions of the experts whose care I was
in. I am so much better than that now. Just not as good as
it might be possible to be. He was aware at my office visit
that I was already getting some foot and leg pain back ( I
don't believe it is gout even though the urate test
indicates the possibility, (as I had that once many years
ago when I was 120 pounds and this is not the same at all)
and getting some migraine spells back as well. Does it sound
possible that the DHEA might be the answer or am I going to
dig myself into a deep hole again? It does seem to me that
the ratio of the free T3 to free T4 is a little skewed. The
doc was so concerned about the possibility of bone breakdown
with the suppressed TSH and I know that the alkiline
phosphatase possibly indicates this but am I right in
supposing that it could also be the high dose of hormone
being handled by the liver. He also detected a heart murmer
which had never before been mentioned by any specialist or
GP. That doesn't necessarily mean anything though as I have
recently had cataracts indicated to me , possibly
congenital, and stated symptoms I know I have had for the
same 25 years that I have had Grave's. A connection? I think
at 53 I shouldn't even have cataracts yet let alone then. I
hope somebody can share their wisdom with me about all of
this. Thanks
Phyllis Davidson


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