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Maggi Martin <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:08:28 EDT
text/plain (53 lines)
In a message dated 8/31/2001 1:01:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< > Course, mine itched too but everything itches with me. :)

 Do you mean you itch all over?  Was this because of allergies or was it
 strictly hypo related?  What have you done for it?

 Gail K >>
It was strictly hypo related.  When my tsh was mid range, and t3 was mid
range, t4 was not on the scale, I itched like mad. All over.  Arms, legs,
trunk, and especially the bottoms of my feet.  My scalp will also itch and is
not dry.  The inside of my ears itch and yet there is no fluid.  If I get hot
and sweaty and am hypo or unbalanced in anyway, I itch really bad.  It does
seem to come on more so at night.  But I think its just because I'm moving
around more and busy during the day and I probably don't notice how much I am
scratching and also when laying down to try an fall asleep, it's like a
crawly feeling or maybe nerve related but as I lay there and am calm, I feel
it much more.  I have tried to atribute it to yeast, or estrogen,
perimenapuse, also my liver disease, and or hypo.  But all I can say is that
I have been suffering something awful once again for a year and a half and
the itching was unbearable at times and now that I'm getting the meds
balanced, it's going away.  I soak my skin constantly in lotion and do
everything possible, so it is NOT dry skin.  Yes, sometimes it does get dry
due to hypo but that just adds to it. I itched really badly for 3 years and
would not break down and take anything I would just lay awake.  I gave in
last year and I have been taking 0.5mg of xanax every night. It lets me go to
sleep andcalms the itching. Now that the itching is subsiding, I have to get
off of them and learn to fall asleep on my own.  I don't know if it was the
camphor in the sea breeze or something else, but on a cotton ball and rubbing
it on my legs was the only thing that helped. I do know what your going
through.  Even with the nyriad of symptoms that hypo causes and I hvae had
them all, if I could have stopped the itching I would have walked around with
a foggy brain and bloated with fluid and been happy.  Oh by the way.  My
palms would also itch and I would hold ice cubes to stop it.  Wish I could
help you more, but there are quite a few new products on the market for
itching. One is called Respite and contains camphor.  But any of the topical
things were only temporary fix's to keep me from going completely out of my
mind. Kinda funny that I have this liver disease and yet, once my thyroid
meds are right, I don't have one single ailment. Not one.

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