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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 21:40:10 EDT
text/plain (29 lines)
My sister had a baby and postpartum she experience dramatic weight loss and
irregular periods.She went to the doctor because she wanted to hae another
child and.....My sister just found out she is 6 weeks pregnant.  The same
week she learned she has Graves Disease.  Her endocrinologist said her levels
look "okay" and that she doesn't need to take TSU (?) iitially but that she
will have to be carefully watched during her pregnancy.  Her endocrinologist
also discussed many possible fetal development issues and the greatly
enhanced risk of miscarriage, stillborns etc...the whole thing was very scary
but the doctor wouldn't give us any real "odds".  She is going to do
everything she can to help her unborn baby but doesn't know really what to
do????  Any advice? Positive stories?  Any doctor's out there who can give us
a better picture anonymously?  It feels like the medical profession is
handcuffed by the threat of malpractise suits and can nolonger give any
answer except "it looks grey, but it could be black or white!!"   -Thanks, a
concerned big sister.

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