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Nancy Morris <[log in to unmask]>
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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:29:32 -0500
text/plain (13 lines)
    Yep, you read right!!  There was a ped pulmonologist at the allergy meeting last night and he gave me a real wake up call...Tyler has had a cough for 6 weeks now and the ped said probably allergies (never tested him) and then after it didn't go away said, oh maybe a sinus infection and today was day 4 of a 5 day antibiotic (that didn't work) anyway, about the pulmonologist,  I called his office this morning and they gave me an appt for tomorrow at 9am...I was floored....less then a 24 hour wait to see a great specialist....and then Tyler was coughing so badly he started throwing up I called back and asked if eventhough I was a new patient they could see me today and his receptionist said sure come on in at 1:30 (it was 12 noon at the time).  He and his receptionist are so great.  I liked him last night; I love him now LOL!  Tyler has asthma :( :( :( :(  He probably also has allergies (environmental) but he is too sick to test (Doc said we have to get him on meds and keep him on meds, get him stable and then think of taking him off for a few days to test).  He also has an ear infection and bacterial URI (how my ped missed these, who the hell knows) eventhough he was on day 4 of a 5 day antibiotic...eek!  Dr. just kinda rolled his eyes and seems rather upset at the way my ped has handled things (with both my kids).  Anyway, he gave Tyler a breathing treatment (neb) in the office and then sent us for a chest xray and showed me all the scripts and went over everything with me, and asked if I was OK (I said yes, but I am not sure if I am).  We see him next Wednesday.  The meds Tyler is on are: Xopenex 4x a day in the nebulizer; Orapred 2x a day; Omnicef 2x a day for 5 days; Singulair 1x a day; Phenyl Chlor Tan 2x a day.  His chest xray was normal (thank goodness).  I am feeling kinda overwhelmed.  Dr. said not to change anything about our lives (bedding, sheets, air purifiers, pets, activities) and we would control the infection/asthma flare and then go from there.  He was actually concerned about ME which is something I don't get from most docs... 

    ...and Tyler really liked him (told Joe, "Doter Todler fix my tof").  Tyler likes his neb...we told him its just like the football players use when its cold outside and it makes them strong...

    Anyway, thanks for listening.  I welcome any thoughts you may have!!  


    "Mothers of little boys work from son-up to son-down!"

    "My sons  are my greatest accomplishment and the opportunity to raise them  is my greatest challenge"