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Deri James <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 23:44:44 +0100
text/plain (28 lines)
On Monday 24 Jun 2002 3:37 pm, Cleveland, Kyle E. wrote:
> No arguement here, Bobby, but can you tell me why I had to open the
> attachment four times in order to get to the text?  Is it just the
> way I have Outlook set up or did everyone have this problem?
> -K

It was an embedded mime message, what happens is that its easier to
forward the mesage as received, which just wraps it in another layer
of mime headers, rather than pick out the relevant attachment.

A lot of people on the list would have seen it "flat" though, because
they have their account set to SHORTHDR which doesn't send out the
all important header saying it is a mime message.

More than you wanted to know (again!!!).

WRT the text itself, the list of "events" was a bit selective (to
reinforce the writers viewpoint). One of my pet peeves is the way
purveyors of "news" filter it to their own viewpoint, for example,
did you know there was a failed assasination attempt on "Qusay
Hussein" (Saddams son & heir) on June 9th, didn't make UK TV or
Newspapers, how about US?

