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St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 17:12:29 EST
text/plain (56 lines)
In a message dated 1/19/2002 12:16:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> He's more like s fundamental evangelist than a motivational speaker.  He
> does many things that I was trained not to do in my seminary training,
> and is basically an 'Uncle Tom" in his disability awareness.
I felt kind of bad making the bible belt crack, but this confirms my
suspicions.  I absolutely do not want to offend anyone by insulting their
religious beliefs, but I can't help but have trouble with those who would
have me believe that I could be healed assuming that I live for that day.  I
do not.  I was healed when this crap started and I was forced to see more
important things than my own body and the cooties I have accumulated over the

To be fair, I might mention that the first websit hit I got on a search for
David Ring seemed to present an up front perspective.  It's not like he's
sneaking his thing in after you pay your money.

Mike, how are his methods in conflict with yours?

I got the Uncle Tom feeling from that website, and it sent shivers down my
spine.  After just five or so years -- it's been more now though, I think --
it's hard for me to imagine anyone getting caught up in it.  See, I'm wanting
to paint people in my own image -- bad Betty.   My image is very tarnished at
this time.  I'm extricating myself from an unfortunatle, but classic do
gooder situation even as we speak, and I should have known better than to let
it go on as long as I have.  I'm nobody to judge, that's for sure.  Blast it
all, I got caught right with my pants down.

It's the very situation that might be perfectly acceptable to the average
Tiny Tim, daggonit, and I hate the idea that some Super Delux Tiny Tim model
is out there perpertuating the notion that it's okay.

There are motivational speakers out there who "preach" the higher message;
I'm particularly fond of Norman Kunc (normemma.com).  There are no religeous
connotations in his message, and it seems like a good one to get behind.
This guy really builds me up.

I don't know how to respond to religious fanatics who would say that I am
disabled because I sinned.  My disabilty would be so much more severe were
that true ;-)

Man, I'd have body parts falling off, you know?  It would be something
incredibly and very gross, I'm pretty sure of that.

Back to David Ring though...as with anyone, let the buyer beware and future
customers benefit.  If somebody is saying bad things about disabled people,
let them know because they are reaching nondisabled people too.  Tell them,
let them know, clue them in, and give them an education.  Don't let them get
away with telling lies about us.
