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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Momodou Camara <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 06:19:13 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Interim government takes over Bissau
A new civilian administration in Guinea-Bissau has been sworn in, two weeks
after the army seized power in a bloodless coup.

A businessman, Henrique Rosa, has taken over as interim president, and will
head a transitional government.

A new prime minister, Antonio Artur Sanha, was also appointed. Both were
chosen by the coup leaders.

The swearing-in followed the signing of an agreement by the ruling military
council and political parties designed to pave the way for parliamentary
elections in six months time and for presidential elections a year later.

Disputes between political parties had delayed the agreement, but a last-
minute deal led to all but one of them signing the document.

The National Transition Council, which brings together political
representatives in a quasi-parliamentary role until a general election, was
also formally set in place.

The council is presided over by General Verissimo Seabra Correia, the armed
forces chief who led the coup.


During the ceremony in the capital, Bissau, General Correia said the
consensus over the choice of Mr Rosa as president was a sign of his

"This honesty will be required throughout the duration of your mandate," he

"The task awaiting you will not be easy, but you can count on our support,"
he added.

Since the coup, the junta has insisted that it has no intention of holding
on to power.

Several African countries, as well as the United Nations, originally
condemned the coup and called for the reinstatement of ousted President
Kumba Yala.

But the army refused to give ground and there was said to be relief among
many ordinary people that the president had been removed.

Mr Kumba Yala had repeatedly postponed elections after he dissolved
parliament last year.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2003/09/28 21:57:51 GMT

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