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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:59:37 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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In a message dated 1/28/03 7:54:54 PM Central Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

On Scott Ritter you wrote:

> Why story got leaked now is immaterial. A person with such screwed up morals
> has neither decency nor credibility. Watching the guy evade those questions
> on CNN erased all doubts.
Scott Ritter got his assignment to lead the  last weapons  inspections
because of his professional qualifications and that has never been in
question then nor is it now. His performance on the inspection team and his
assesments have not be discarded to anyones' knowledge. Correct me on that
one if I am wrong.
 Therefore, this story is immaterial to this issue at hand and it can only be
material if one is grasping at straws to make a case that has yet to be made.

You also wrote:

"So many people have voiced opinions on this matter and the facts about all
pros and cons are well established. All I have tried to do is points to
those arguments that is there for everyone to see."

Ousman, you have done much more than that. You have even gone as far as to
brand those who oppose the war anti-american and most of them are Americans.

You wrote:

 "The truth is that these people are nothing more than a bunch of rabid
anti-Americans. It seems like they would support any dictator, no matter how
terrible he is, if only he is against America. And there is nothing noble
about these people risking their lives in what they believe."

Where in the World did you get the information to support such a statement,
and why and how can you declare that people's actions for what they believe
in  is not noble?
One of the cornerstones of the constitution of the United States ais  the
right to have freedom of expression and to have the leadeship answerable to
the people. No one is deemed un-american for that, and infact, it si what
strengthens this country. It is not like most of Africa where sadly, all one
has to do is tag oneself onto a political leader, sign the chorus and be
rewarded with small favours

You also wrote:

"Where were they when Saddam was bringinghardships on his people through his
war with Iran, his initiation of the Gulf War and countless internal

Why did you not ask where the U.S was when Saddam was fighting Iran? They
were busy helping him, supplying him with biological weapons and material to
amass his arsenal of weapons and he was the good guy then. The evidence
proves that  the acquisition of these same biological weapons  were
facilitated by the U.S and they were aware of Saddam using them on the
Iranians and the Kurds. The very same Iranians who Bush named as a part of
the Axis of evil, and also the same Iranians whose victimization with
biological weapons and nerve gas he is now using as some of the justification
for attacking Iraq.

It is always a good idea to educate oneself  regarding facts before making
statements.  This one is too important an issue with far reaching
ramifications and cannot be decided by regurgitating others people's
unsubstantiated rhetoric.

Bush has never wanted to work with the U.N to resolve this issue abd it si
common knowledge that it si only opposition by the Allies of the U.S as well
as presure from people like Colin Powell that forced him to go the the U.N to
seek a new resolution on the Iraqi situation.
No sooner was that done, and even before the inspectors gave an initial
report; when Bush started taunting the U.N, questioning their validity as an
effective international body and basically saying that their effort will
Further, he went to the senate and the house and got them to pass a
resolution granting the mandate to wage war, and all this from a man who said
he will give the U.N inspections a chance.

The position of people like me who oppose a war is that the  one and only
thing that needs to be established is concrete evidence that Iraq posses and
is still making and hiding weapons of mass destruction, and this evidence has
to be put out for the World to see before our children face the possibility
of being sent to fight a war.
Also, that the United Nations inspections have to be given a chance to run
it's course.
if the whole exercise is a deterrent rather than an excuse to wage war.

There are millions of people around the World and in this country who share
the opinion that concrete proof has to be provided to justify this war, and
there is nothing arbitrary about this point. On the other hand, there is a
lot of  recycled rehtoric, and none of it can take the place of hard facts.

However, after Bush's state of the Union speech last night, and with the
amassing of U.S troops in the gulf, along with wverything this administration
has done sine they started beating the war drums, there is no doubt that they
will find a way to attack Iraq and all the blood thirsty folks and their
cheerleaders will soon have enouhg blood and guts splattered all over the
Arabian peninsula to satify their lusts.

Some of us in the World think there is always an alternative ot war and that
those without sinister intentions can always pursue that course with far
better results for the rest of humanity.
I hope that you are a U.S citizen Ousman, and that if your country should
call on you,  you will enlist in the armed forces.

Jabou Joh


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