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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 15:11:35 -0400
Jungle Sunrise <[log in to unmask]>
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Mr. Sanneh,

I don't think this would be a good idea. I trust I would be save with
Habib. But with Jabou and Gearge, heh, that could be dangerous. I can
imagine Jabou going for my ears and George, well, may be lurking in the
dark with a baseball bat.

Good to back on the bandwagon again, though not for long.

Have a good day, Gassa

> [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by "Sidi M Sanneh"
> <[log in to unmask]> ]
> Habib, George & Jabou,
> Lessons from the Summit for its organisers, the SA and African
> Governments,  african entrepreneurs and members of civic society. Mbeki
> has declared that  on the whole the Summit has been a political and
> logistical success. The  magnitude of the business success will be
> known after the Jo'burg Summit  Corporation finalizes its books.  But
> all indications are that Mr. Moshishi  will be laughing all the way to
> the Bank.  May be Habib Ghanim, George and  Jabou should consider
> organising the next major world conference in The  Gambia with Pa Modou
> Gassama in charge of telecommunications while doubling  as your
> interlocutor. He knows his way around town: take it from me.
> Sidi Sanneh
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ©  5/9/02 11:43 AM
> SA has patted itself on the back for hosting the UN World Summit on
> Sustainable Development, declaring it a political and logistical succes
> and  is setting its sights on even bigger events like the World Cup or
> Olympic  Games.
> "We made an excellent deal," Trade and Industry Minister Alec Irwin
> said as  the 10-day summit closed here Wednesday.
> "There were of course issues that were politically impossible, for
> example  to expect the EU to change its agricultural policy. Or to get
> the US and  Japan to agree on targets for renewable energy."
> But, said Erwin, the summit has delivered about 41 new agreements on
> the  environment, among them a far-reaching deal on protecting fishing
> stocks.
> "This was the best we could have expected under the circumstances."
> President Thabo Mbeki said the summit has lived up to the hopes of
> Africans,  for whom development and the environment often amount to "a
> matter of life  and death".
> And, he added proudly, an African country has proved that it can host
> such  an event and helped to change the negative perception of the
> continent.
> "We have shown the world here this week that we have the capacity,"
> enthused  his Presidency Minister Essop Pahad at the end of the 10-day
> event that drew  more than 20,000 participants.
> "It has always been my dream to have SA host the World Cup. Now that
> dream  is becoming a hope. Why not?"
> Moss Moshishi, the head of the organising company JOWSCO, said all went
> well  though the cost of the summit has still to be counted.
> "I feel that we achieved what we set out to achieve, in fact we
> surpassed  our own expectations. We will not talk about the cost, but a
> full audit will  be done."
> Moshishi said the company has set itself a target of giving 30% of the
> tenders for the summit to people who are discriminated against under
> apartheid.
> "We have surpassed this and achieved 48% participation by these
> groups."
> Pahad and Moshishi said they will only release figures once every bill
> has  been paid and will not confirm earlier estimates that the summit
> will cost  about R550-million, of which about 80% had been raised in
> advance.
> Moshishi said the organisers managed to transport 13,000 people every
> day,  find hotel beds for 30,000 delegates and received only seven
> complaints from  visitors.
> On top of that, the dreaded traffic jams did not materialise and few
> delegates became victims of violent crime.
> But on a political level the summit again proves that countries of the
> south  lack political clout, on both the government and social society
> levels.
> "One thing that did come out is the weakness in general of civil
> society in  Africa where urban issues dominate over the poor and people
> in the  countryside," said Welfare and Social Development Minister Zola
> Skweyiya.
> "Our non-governmental organisations are non-existant in the countryside
>  where the peasants and the poor are. I was struck by the divisions
> that  exist between the NGOs of developing and developed worlds.
> "There is on overdominance of NGOs from the north. I feel that in the
> interest of democracy in SA, the government will have to assist NGOs."
> This would surprise civil society groups in SA who felt that they were
> deliberately kept away from the summit, relegated to a venue on the
> other  side of Johannesburg and given limited access to the convention
> centre where  government delegates met.
> No doubt this had something to do with the government's security fears.
> The authorities were openly and unnecessarily worried that a protest by
>  about 15,000 activists on August 31 might turn violent.
> "Few of us slept the night before," confessed Moshishi.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This website is the only official website of the Johannesburg World
> Summit  Company and is © 2002 Johannesburg World Summit Company
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There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see,
yet small enough to solve (Mike Leavitt)


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