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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 12:11:02 -0500
text/plain (25 lines)
Prednisone can lower your TSH and at high doses it can prevent T4 from
converting to T3.  Perhaps you will feel better without it although I
assume it may be controlling some lupus symptoms.  Perhaps you could get
the rheumatologist to check TSH, free T4 and free T3 after you have been
off of prednisone for a few weeks to see if things change.  Thyroid
antibodies might also be higher off prednisone so I'd check those too.  Do
they think your bone problems are related to the prednisone also?  It can
be.  I'd avoid the endos.  Either the rheumatologist or a family doctor are
more likely to listen to reason.  Nancy

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