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Gail Diane Kuhns <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 16:30:24 EST
text/plain (53 lines)
In a message dated 3/13/02 11:53:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

> Another point in fact: some "natural" chemicals - things that develop
> completely on their own
> "in nature" (whether by happenstance or via engineering), are actually
> quite toxic or
> poisonous while some "synthetic" things are actually extremely helpful and
> productive when it
> comes to the purpose for which they were designed.

This is true for instance, people with congestive heart failure are able to
take a synthetic chemical medication called Linoxin or Digoxin to regulate
their heart beat.

The original natural plant from which this synthetic chemical was derived is
called Fox Glove or Digitalis.  When it was first used (as a plant) for heart
trouble, The leaves were made into a tea.  The patient was told to drink as
much of the tea as they could until they vomited.  Many times this resulted
in digitalis poisoning (too much slowing of the heart).

In this case the synthetic linoxin is far safer than going in the backyard
and picking foxglove leaves and boiling them for your heart medication.
Linoxin contains a specific amount of the active ingredient.  Without HPLC
(High Performance Liquid Chromotography) analysis the amount of digitalis
found in your plants would be completely unknown.

Gail K


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