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Kyra Kitts <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 14:08:28 -0800
text/plain (66 lines)
I've finally found an endocrinologist who's actually
ordered a complete ACTH (Cortrysyn) stimulation test
on me to assess partial enzyme deficiencies related to
possible late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
That's the good news.

The questionable news, which may in fact turn out to
be good news for me, is that he doesn't treat with
Armour. He's willing to put me on reasonable dosages
of Synthroid and Cytomel.

With that lead-in, here's my question. *Do some people
do better on a combination of Synthroid and Cytomel
than on Armour?* I've been on Armour for a year, and
in all objectivity it's not the thyroid replacement of
choice for me.

By any reasonable criteria, I'm doing fine on per
progressive reference range thinking. My TSH is
completely suppressed, my free T4 is lowish-normal,
and my free T3 is slightly above the hish end of the
range. My sense is, though, that for me the highish T3
is detrimental. I'm constantly ravenous, bloated, and
have a pulse rate that jumps into the low 100s.While
my short-term memory and depression are gone on
Armour, by all other personal subjective criteria I'm
doing worse. Added prednisone eliminates my nighttime
panic attacks but doesn't cure the T3 jitters. Cortef
elevates my blood pressure, at least in the presense
of Armour.

My Armour-prescribing doc is adamant that I need more
Armour and Cortef to balance it. While I agree with
this in theory, I no longer think it's the operative
theory for my particular body.

I'm currently on 3 grains Armour, split dose. The new
endocrinologist wants to put me on 50 mcg Synthroid
and 10 mcg Cytomel (split dose.)

So again, are there any happy Synthroid/Cytomel users
out there? Thanks :)

Kyra Kitts

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