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Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 17:39:14 -0800
text/plain (140 lines)
Dear Thyroid Folks,

If you are waiting for a deeper understanding,
or a signaling star, or a compatriot with a
lantern, STOP. Please get up off your duff
and act! The time for action is now.

Even though Dr. Derry is a Canadian, and this
group contains only a few Canadians, HE IS

They (bad guys) already got to the head guy
(on our side) in England. Next, they've targeted
Dr. Derry on an island off British Columbia, in

Guess what they intend to say when they come
after our few USA doctors who will treat us
based on symptoms and evidence (rather than
based only blind, ignorant, incomplete TSH

They'll say, "England and Canada don't allow
this, the USA shouldn't either." It's a big lie,
and, disgustingly, so far they have won.

Australian's, Kiwi's, are you listening? We
ALL must make this our issue, our concern,
our struggle, or we're looking at the rest of
our lives on (too low) doses of synthetic T4,
based on occasional TSH (only) tests.

I, for one, would rather DIE than go back to
mindless T4 oblivion. How about you?

Now, I'm telling you RIGHT NOW is the
time to act. I fear that if we ALL don't act
now, we may have already lost the rest of
our lives. Have I ever lied, or even
exaggerated, to you before? Now, NOW,

If you have not yet done something to support
Dr. Derry, for heaven's sake, do something
today, please. If you are already on board,
and can possibly do more, please do.

USA Folks

As with Rubin Carter, folks from the other side
of the USA-Canadian border can influence
injustice. This time it is our turn to stand up
for a Canadian. They sent four people to stand
up for Mr. Carter, to stand with him until he got
justice in the USA. Without their constant
support, he hadn't a chance. It worked.

The least we can do it to stand up for Dr. Derry,
today, by writing an e-mail or a letter or making
a telephone call. Or doing research and reporting
back here. For heaven's sake, please do
*something*. This situation is deplorable and

Dr. Derry is doing the same kind of wonderful
care that in this group we have heard praised
over and over - listening to the patient, getting a
good history, looking at the patient response to
various treatments, using the most appropriate
treatments that really work for the patient's
symptoms, etc.

He is being persecuted by doctors who
would *rather* stick to drugs that work for
some people (not all), and tests that are
cheaper (not better), and let thousands of
thyroid patients live in mind-fog and lifetime
misery, than to stick with what worked for
a century before 1974, when, magically,
blood tests became better than physician
observation, diagnosis, and judgement.

If Dr. Derry is not given back his unlimited
practice, we will have ALL lost a great deal.
Not just Canadians. Not just folks on some
form of T3. All of us will have lost part of
what *I* demand in a doctor - human vision
and judgement, based on the whole of my
health, and the whole of my symptoms.

Please report here of your actions to
support Dr. Derry. Full copies are fine. After
you complete sending your support to the
addresses below, then send it to all of us.

I hope to see lots of support for Dr. Derry
very soon. Any other discussion may
become irrelevant and unnecessary, if Dr.
Derry is taken down by these scurrilous,
false charges.

Ballew Kinnaman <[log in to unmask]> 206/463-2322
Discussion list owner: Allergy, Arthritis, PCHealth, Rubber, Thyroid

Discussion Group http://www.Emissary.Net/thyroid/index.html

=== speak now, or lose your health forever ===

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Cc: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]

Surface mail to:

Attention: Ms. Elaine Peaston
The College of Physicians & Surgeons
1807 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6J 2A9

Toll Free: 1-800-461-3008 (within BC)
Fax:  1-604-733-3503

=== please, for the greater good, speak now ===

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