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"Stubblefield, Laurie" <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 08:42:57 -0700
text/plain (64 lines)

First, I want to thank everyone who replied to my letter about TPO.  It was
all extremely helpful!
In following some of the suggested research avenues, I believe the correct
name of the test is Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies rather than -Absorption.
Sorry for the error.
Thank you for the information on the new range for TSH!  My results were
compiled by Lab Corp who obviously do not have the latest facts.  I have a
follow-up appointment with my doctor and will be taking your letters with
me.  I will also ask about time released T3, Cytomel and Armour.
The "mumbling" I mentioned in my previous letter is similar to what a person
with a high frequency hearing loss experiences.  The voice of the speaker is
loud enough (at times even overly loud) but the words seem garbled-certain
sounds within the words are not processed correctly or at all.  If noise is
added to the mix, such as a fan, or other people talking, my percentage of
comprehension drops from 85-90% to 70% or lower.  A similar condition might
be central auditory processing deficit--Northwestern University is
conducting research on this phenomenon.  I have had this problem since
childhood (I am 41 now) but in the last two years it has become marked.
Yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The rashes-I have worried if I had fleas or some
sort of bug as well!  I went to a dermatologist as well for it--his
response?  "You are actually receiving a gift because you're very psychic
and are taking hits to your aura.  Meditate and pray and you'll be fine". exit.
A huge thanks to Skipper Beers for a more realistic explanation-I will try
the protocol that you outlined and see if it helps!  Thanks!  Oh, and I too
had amblyopia as a child and lost my sight in one eye as a result.
Joint problems:  I have noted within the last two years that the joints in
my hands, hips, knees and feet can become quite painful.  It feels almost
like a dislocation injury.  There appears to be no specific activity that
triggers it, nor is weight a factor, since it occurs whether I am under- or
overweight.  The pain can last for a short time (one day) or as long as 2
months.  The hands, particularly the left one which is my dominant hand,
have settled in to constant discomfort or pain.  I have found warm water and
arnica soakings help, and Motrin counts me as a preferred customer.
A thought to consider:  I remember when I was entering my teen years, I
developed a condition whereby any scratches or sores became infected and
scarred rather than healing smoothly.  I also developed the cracking heels
with the skin peeling off to leave raw sores behind.  The doctor my parents
took me to was an old country doc who told them he felt I was "allergic to
myself".  I still have this condition.  In recent years I had two eye
infections which seemed mild, but the end result was that I lost 25% of my
vision according to my eye care specialist.  I still think about what that
doc said from time to time.  Since Hashis is an autoimmune disorder, could
we be actually "allergic" to ourselves?
Anyway, I've rambled long enough.  I thank you all once again-it's wonderful
having a place where I can go to get help, but most of all to speak with
others who know what it's like and don't roll their eyes in disgust or
boredom.  That's the biggest help of all.
God Bless

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