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Samantha Goddard <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 10:15:40 +0100
text/plain (48 lines)
>>our NHS ( National Health Service ) is subject to a
>>post code lottery and rigid price controls
>Please tell us what (on earth) a "post code lottery" is?
>I suspect our lousy HMOs in the USA call this a
>different (deceptively sweeter sounding) name.

In the Uk we have a free National health service which many may feel is more
fair than the system that you have. Unfortunately for us, the system is
slow, and rather unpredictable. We do not have the luxury of being able to
decide what practitioners we wish to see as we are allocated a hospital
where we should visit. If you do not like the treatment that you get, you
may ask to see another practitioner, but  may not have a choice.
The post code lottery is just that. Our postcode (zipcode) is dependent on
where we are sent for treatment. As with all systems, some doctors and
specialists are good and some are bad. Some health authorities will pay for
some treatments and others will not.

Going privately sometimes is the only option. However, I went to see the top
endicrinologist privately, in our large Health authority and he told me that
he didnt need to see me, that my case was straight forward and could be
dealt with by my GP. I am seeing a skin specialist for my pretibial myxedema
privately as the waiting list is too long if I were to wait to see him on
our health service. I am also seeing the Oplthalmic Surgeon for my thyroid
eye disease privately for the same reason.

hope that helps

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