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Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Jul 2002 20:05:30 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (31 lines)
On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Phosphor wrote:

> >Just curious what your views are on eating nuts?  Do they >play a
> significant role in your diet?
> they are definitely paleo, but i seem intolerant of all except hazelnut.
> all kinds of plant foods cause intolerances, because our ancestors never ate
> them, and becuase they contain anti-nutrient factors.

I don't follow your reasoning here.  You are saying that nuts are
"definitely paleo" and also that our ancestors "never ate [all
kinds of plant foods]."  Since nuts are plant foods, they must be
among the things that our ancestors never ate.  If that is the
case, how can they be "definitely paleo"?  Should I read "all
kinds" as "some kinds"?

> plants prefer to be
> not eaten, so they mount all kinds of chemical defences, such as the cyanide
> compunds in flax.

This would not apply to fruits, at least, that depend on being
eaten for their propagation, allowing seeds to pass the through
the digestive tract and be scattered in the feces of the animal
that eats them.  Such fruits and the animals that eat them are

Do you have an argument for the claim that our ancestors never
ate plant foods?

Todd Moody
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