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Skipper Beers <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:14:22 EST
text/plain (65 lines)
Nancy Hugo <[log in to unmask]>

> Treatment of hypothyroidism (due to any cause) may not be successful
>     in eliminating the patients' hypothyroid symptoms because the patients
>     may ALSO be suffering from Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome.

Posting the words of Dennis E. Wilson, inventor of the name Wilson's Syndrome
and a treatment that only works for some, but can do so on all hypothryoidsm
whether it's a problem converting T4 to T3 or Hashimoto's.  My wife fits his
more common profile, the most common nationality with the problem is
Irish,/American Indian mixture, which she is and they normally develop it
after a trauma like childbirth or surgery.  Hers hit after childbirth.

That being said the above is the most common profile but even people like me
who remember being hypothryoid all their lives when they think back can be
helped by Wilson's treatment.  That is, anyone with a low body temperature.
What is a low temperature?  Wilson says to take it orally, with a glass
thermometer one hour, 4 hours and 7 hours after waking up.  Then average the
temps.  If a female, temperature is supposed to be a bit higher at some point
during menstrual cycle, so for your average don't use those few days, but if
under 98.6 then it's still a good indication of the problem.  I read
somewhere that the person who invented the farenheit thermometer (which was
named after himself) considered the normal body temperature to really be 100
degrees.  So, maybe 98.6 isn't really ideal either, I'm just not surre I
would want to go higher.

The Wilsons' treatment under Doc Don has worked quite well for my wife.  She
was a problem case because she could go up to 18 grains of Arrmour Thyroid
and her pulse and blood pressure normalized.  However, she didn't want to be
at that level and knew she would have to keep increasing because of what was
happening.  She should have been quite thyrotoxic at that level, but she
wasn't.  Now she gets by on timed release T3 at an dose that in equivalencies
is much lower.  And I think if she would cycle properly, she might wind up
being one of those who don't need thyroid medicationn anymore, at least until
the next stress event that causes the conversion problem.  Supposedly it's a
mechanism to help in times of famine, and I guess it explains why she can
gain 40 pounds in a month at times and occasionally has had remission where
for no reason at all it becomes easy to lose weight at a reasonable rate.
Both happen without changing diet, exercise or other lifesyle.

This posting, which also talked about Wilson's disease which is different and
interesting, an excess of copper also mentioned this disease is more common
than suspected and all those symptoms listed could be thyroid symptoms.
Thyroid or other disorders.  Sometimes one can have symptoms similar to low
thyroid and have something else.  In most cases, I suspect it's a lot more
likely for a disease like Parkinson's or fibromyalgia to have similar
symptoms to low thyroid because that's there real cause, but admittedly
thyroid doesn't cause every medical problem and this excess of copper could
be one of those.  (Or maybe because the thyroid can affect the digestive
process including absorption or malabsorption there is still a link, but I'm
just being obsessive.)


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