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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Philip Morrison <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 23:31:11 -0500
Philip Morrison <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (120 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Summary#3:United Airlines

Marcy writes:
In a message dated 4/28/02 11:26:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

Please write or call them at 1-877-228-1327 or contact United at
We need to let then know that gluten intolerance is a serious disease with
grave consequences if we do not stay with our diet.

Do you happen to know whether this is something governed by the Americans
with Disabilities Act? I know that public school cafeterias must be
prepared to feed celiac children (although few are brave enough to
demand/enforce this).
Just a thought...
Marcy in MD
[log in to unmask]

(We would like to know a laywer’s  piont of view. Is there is a laywer on
the celiac list?)

The following message is from Joan Hartwick <[log in to unmask]>:
I did email United Airlines, and I voiced my opinion, what are celiacs to
eat when on a flight?
How would they like to have nothing to eat, while others munch down their
Why do they cater to diabetics, low cholesterol, and vegetarian/religious
meals, and not Celiac?
We cannot help that we cannot eat like normal people.
They do not like us to take our own food, but will not guarantee us a gf
I often take my own things to eat, wherever I go, whether they like it or
not, I just tell them that I cannot eat flour, gluten, breaded items, etc,
and until they carry items I can eat, I will continue to carry my own food
with me, also I have to eat every 2 - 3 hours because of another stomach
condition that I have.
It is time all Celiacs started fighting for our rights, like email
MacDonald's, Tim Horton's, Wendy's, even sit down regular restaurants have
very little we can eat, only Swiss Chalet has their baked potato, and
roasted chicken.  No roll, no croutons, no fries, no burgers, etc.
Fun and games for sure.

Martha( [log in to unmask]) wrote:
I agree with your position and have been writing United for several
years requesting their consideration - prior to eliminating the
gluten-free choice, they offered a somehat dubious gf meal that was
covered in an orange sauce.  I tried without success to get someone
to tell me what was in the sauce.  I believe most celiacs on United
did not ask for the meal for this reason.  The international flights
from other countries offered more acceptable gf choices.  I will
continue to contact them, but I always get the same response that
they will report my complaint, period.

I fly United because my non-celiac husband is a 1K - ie special person
flying a lot - and sometimes go business class with him.  There is no
special meal but they give you more food - enough fruit for 4 if request
fruit salad - along with a better wilted lettuce salad and an appetizer
that may work - fish etc with sauce on the side. First class I imagine
works because they offer better food and do not cover all with breading or
sauce.  But this is not worth the extra cost for food alone! You can of
course more easily reach your food supplies than when sitting stuffed in
the back of economy class.

This does not help your situation, but I just want you to know I think
we need to pursue this.  It is hard to justify for a shorter flight,
eg the 5 hours cross country, when one can carry food - though that is
also annoying. For international travel it seems inexcusable to refuse
to offer something simple for us. I have suggested plain veggies, rice,
potato, meat, fruit - all of which other airlines and United in foreign
countries do offer - but not sure my advice ever goes anywhere. I have
also suggested that our meal can be the same for many other diets to
save them money. Brilliant I think but no reaction.

I fear that not enough celiacs find this compelling, that it is a matter
of people preferring to bring their own food rather than trust the airline.
Works unless you are stranded overnight (3 times for me last year) or
otherwise caught in an unexpected situation without access to gf food.
Maybe United needs to hear from doctors or an organization. I would love
to help but can only say I have been frustrated myself!

 Susan([log in to unmask]) wrote:
  Caution, not all airports have Restauraunts.  Some only
have fast food, and during the night I've never encountered anything but
Vending Machines.
PS  And long distance air travel is the pits. If I ever get to
go to Hawaii again, it will include a west coast lay-over.

The last mail is from Tam:
thanks for posting all this..I'm flying on united from California to Texas
the end of may, and will know not to count on an in flight meal..although
they usually taste horrible anyways so we really are not missing out.  The
main thing I'm wondering about though is with the new security guidelines if
anything has changed as far as bringing my own lunch on the plane.  I'm
assuming no knives and only plastic forks and spoons, but have you heard
anything on this from anyone responding to your post?  Before when I've
flown I took a small insulated lunch bag and packed my own..more because I
get migraines from many preservatives and it's never been worth taking the
chance for food that tastes and looks so bad...I've had better hospital
food.  :)  Of course I'm sure they serve better food in first class, but
I've only flown coach and that's how I'm going on this trip as well.  I'm
getting a colonoscopy the day before the flight, and the doctor said I'd be
hungry but otherwise ok to fly...I'm nervous about that but also know it's
not going to be all that great to be going hungry all day if I'm actually
hungry, so want to bring along some fresh fruit and rice...safe foods for
me...so far, not much else is.

My younger brother is getting married, otherwise I wouldn't be planning on
traveling at all in this condition, but even if they have to carry me in I
want to be there.  I'll be flying with my sister and my other brother,
hoping all will go well but glad they will be there just in case.
[log in to unmask]

Summary by Margareta and Philip Morrison

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *