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Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:03:58 -0600
Diana Sherman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have posted here before because I have celiac. Nolan, my 10 year old son
has been having about 3 inch wide bowel movements. We took him to a gastrio.
docter in Columbia and they gave us a stool softner, becuase they thought he
was having blockages that caused him gas. When they X-rayed his stomach they
discovered he had a lot of air in his stomach which caused it to be
distended. Nolan has been having reoccuring bouts of pain both at hom at
school. These have been both off and on the stool softner. When he was on it
he got diarrea and continues to have that and the large bowel movements even
though he hasn't been on it a week. Before that he also had diarrea
sometimes but not as much or the stomach pain like he has now.

He also has elevated levels of glycine in his urine  for two random urine
tests. They haven't checked his blood check but don't think he has
hyperglycemia since he doesn't have seizures and is 10 yrs old. The amino
acid related for milk was also over a 100 umol/L as well. Does anyone know
if there is a connection to these and celiac or the large bowel movements
and celiac?

We are seeing the pediatrician today and are wanting a celiac test done
which we have been asking for a long time. For some reason Docters don't
seem to want to do the blood test unless a child is extremely underweight
and having a great deal of diarrea. NOlan is off the chart at 50 lbs and 51
in. tall but this is not enough to warrant concern.

Any information would be appreciated.

Thanks, Diana at [log in to unmask]