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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Sat, 6 Jan 2001 12:23:31 -0500
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*                 Today in Black History - January 6                 *

1773 - "Felix," a Boston slave, and others petition Massachusetts
        Governor Hutchinson for their freedom.  It is the first of a
        record eight similar petitions filed during the Revolutionary

1831 - The World Anti-Slavery Convention opens in London, England.

1832 - William Lloyd Garrison founds the New England Anti-Slavery
        Society at the African Meeting House in Boston, Massachusetts,
        where he issues the society's "Declaration of Sentiments" from
        the Meeting House pulpit.

1882 - Thomas Boyne receives the Congressional Medal of Honor for
        bravery in two New Mexico battles while a sergeant in Troop C,
        9th U.S. Calvary.

1906 - Benedict Wallet Vilakazi is born in South Africa.  He will become
        a pre-apartheid Zulu poet, novelist, and educator.

1929 - Wilbert Harrison is born.  He will become a singer and will be
        best known for his recordings "Kansas City," and "Let's Work

1937 - Doris Troy is born.  She will become a rhythm and blues singer best
        known for her song "Just One Look."

1966 - Harold R. Perry becomes the second African American Roman Catholic
        bishop since the U.S. was founded and the first in the 20th

1971 - Cecil A. Partee is elected president pro tem of the Illinois State
        Senate.  He is the first African American to hold this position.

1984 - Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Robert N.C. Nix, Jr., is
        inaugurated as Chief Justice.  The Philadelphia native, former
        deputy attorney general of the state, and thirteen-year veteran
        of the Court, is the first African American to head a state
        Supreme Court.

1989 - Elizabeth Koontz joins the ancestors at the age of 69.  She was a
        noted educator and the first African American president of the
        National Education Association.  She also had been director of
        the Women's Bureau in the U.S. Department of Labor.

1993 - Jazz great, John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie, joins the ancestors in
        Englewood, New Jersey at the age of 76.  He had played actively
        until early 1992.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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