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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Wed, 2 Jun 1999 07:13:34 -0400
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*                   Today in Black History - June 2                   *

1868 - John Hope is born in Augusta, Georgia.  He will become the first
        African American president of Atlanta Baptist (later Morehouse)

1875 - James A. Healy is consecrated in a cathedral in Portland, Maine,
        becoming the first African American Roman Catholic bishop (Diocese
        of Maine).

1899 - African Americans observe a day of fasting called by the National
        Afro-American Council to protest lynchings and racial massacres.

1943 - The 99th Pursuit Squadron, the first African American Army Air Corps
        unit, flies its first combat mission in the Mediterranean, strafing
        enemy positions on the Italian island of Pantelleria.

1951 - Kenneth I. Chenault is born in Mineola (Long Island), New York.  He
        will become an attorney and join American Express in 1981, where he
        will become president of the company's Consumer Card and Financial
        Services Group in 1989 and one of the highest-ranking African
        Americans in corporate America.

1951 - Sergeant Cornelius H. Charlton, a member of Company C, 24th Infantry
        Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, is mortally wounded during the
        Korean War while his platoon was attacking heavily defended hostile
        positions on commanding ground.  After his platoon leader was wounded
        and evacuated, Sgt. Charlton assumed command, rallied the men, and
        spearheaded the assault against the hill. Personally eliminating
        2 hostile positions and killing 6 of the enemy with his rifle fire
        and grenades, he continued up the slope until the unit suffered
        heavy casualties and became pinned down. Regrouping the men he led
        them forward only to be again hurled back by a shower of grenades.
        Despite a severe chest wound, Sgt. Charlton refused medical attention
        and led a third daring charge which carried to the crest of the ridge.
        Observing that the remaining emplacement which had retarded the
        advance was situated on the reverse slope, he charged it alone, was
        again hit by a grenade but raked the position with a devastating fire
        which eliminated it and routed the defenders.  He will be posthumously
        awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery on March 19, 1952.

1967 - The first of three days of race riots occurs in the Roxbury section of
        Boston, Massachusetts.  Dozens are injured and more are arrested after
        welfare mothers barricade themselves in protest against welfare policies.

1985 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar becomes the all-time leading point scorer in the
        National Basketball Association playoffs.  He rings up a total of 4,458
        points, smashing the previous record held by Jerry West, also of the Los
        Angeles Lakers.

1993 - South Africa's Supreme Court upholds Winnie Mandela's conviction for
        kidnapping four young blacks, but said she would not have to serve her
        five-year prison term.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
   	          "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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