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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Jul 2003 04:18:23 -0500
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*                    Today in Black History - July 21                     *

1864 - The New Orleans Tribune, first daily African American
        newspaper, is published in English and French.

1896 - Mary Church Terrell organizes the National Association of
        Colored Women in Washington, DC. The association is a
        merger of the National Federation of Afro-American Women and
        The Colored Women's League.  It is one of many achievements
        for Terrell, which include being the first African American
        woman to serve on a school's board of education, the first to
        hold membership in the American Association of University
        Women, and at age 90, will lead the desegregation of
        Washington, DC restaurants in 1953.

1934 - Edolphus Towns is born in Chadbourn, North Carolina.  He will
        become a longtime civic leader, Brooklyn borough president,
        congressman from New York's 11th District starting in 1983,
        and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus in 1990.

1943 - "Stormy Weather" premieres in New York City with Lena Horne,
        Bill Robinson, Fats Waller, Cab Calloway, the Nicholas
        Brothers, and Katherine Dunham.  A week before the premiere,
        Horne said of African American actors, "All we ask is that
        the Negro be portrayed as a normal person.  A worker in a
        union meeting, a voter in the polls...or an elected official.
        Perhaps I'm being naive.  Perhaps these things will never be
        straightened out on the screen itself, but will have to wait
        until..[they're] solved in real life."

1945 - Alton Maddox is born. He will become a New York African American
        civil rights activist and attorney. He will be best known for his
        representation of Tawana Brawley (a black teenager who accused a
        group of white men of abducting and sexually molesting her in
        Dutchess County).

1950 - The first victory of the Korean War is won by African
        American troops of the 24th Infantry Regiment, who recapture
        Yechon after waging a 16-hour battle. The North Koreans will launch
        a surprise invasion of South Korea on 25 June 1950. U.S. Army
        divisions stationed in Japan are rushed to the defense of South
        Korea. The 25th Division is ordered to South Korea on 5 July 1950.
        By mid July the Division is fully deployed and ready to engage
        North Korean forces. On 20 July 1950 the 3rd Battalion 24th
        Infantry conducts the first combat action of the Division when it
        attacks and destroys a well-dug-in North Korean force which had
        seized the critical road hub of Yechon. The recapture of Yechon is
        considered the first sizable American ground victory of the war.

1957 - Althea Gibson becomes the first African American woman to win
        a major U.S. tennis title. She won the Women's National clay
        court singles competition.

1960 - The country of Katanga forms in Africa.

1962 - 160 civil right activists jailed after demonstration in Albany,

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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