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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Dave Manneh <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 21:21:26 +0100
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Mr Sanneh,
    I am deeply saddened to learnt of your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences and also extend it to
Mr Grey-Johnson on my behalf.
I decided (perhaps prematurely) that  I was done with the land discourse but as I do not want to be seen as a
snob, I thought I will just get back to you this time, despite my tremendous work load.

For a man of your position and age, I have to admit that am shocked at your lack of knowledge of Gambian
geography. Kombo Toubab banko, does not (and never did) include kombo north etc as you had stated, it is only
Kombo St Mary's. (Greater Serrekunda, and Bakau). Perhaps you should read an earlier posting by Mr Toure. (It
is indeed an educative piece).

If you had bothered to do any sort  of research, you would have found out that actually the land in question
was not included in the  so-called government land you and others are so hanged up on about. I am not sure if
you have ever travelled to the coast through Brufut to Tanji, Tujereng, Kartong etc, you would have noticed
that on the right side of the road is the stretch of land that Jawara's government told Brufut people (MIND
YOU, NOT ASKED) not to build on, as he and his government had earmarked it as a Tourist Development Area.
This is the side with the beautiful golden beaches that has become such a curse and a thorn in the side for
my people. The left side of the road (where Ghana Town is located and also this land in question, is left
totally to our own volition). These are the incorrigible facts.

Another thing I ask you, if  I may, is this simple question, who are the people these projects are going to
benefit? Not us, whose neighbourhood it is going to be built on, not even considering that the land belongs
to us (despite what some may think or say) and we have been robbed off it it in broad daylight. If you cannot
see the injustice of bulldozing someone's house so that a rich man can make himself richer, then we have an
even bigger problem in The Gambia. Forget for a minute who owns the land, should one man's eagerness to make
millions override other people's right to a dwelling?

With regards to your support for entrepreneurs, well that is your choice, but just bear in mind the poor
people of my clan. We might not be as sophisticated as you and your ilk but we deserve to live our simple
lives in our simple mud huts with dignity and without threat of being tortured by Jammeh's thugs, in total
collusion with these back-boneless, greedy unscrupulous, so-called entrepreneurs The Gambia can ill afford.

I could break your article down sentence by sentence and show how ridiculous and sad it is coming from a
person of your calibre, but as I have major projects to finish, I shall just stop here for now. Bear in mind
though, that I am more than eager to defend my people at any cost, and I mean AT ANY COST!!


Sidi Sanneh wrote:

> Jabou, Dave Manneh & Others
> My apologies for coming back on this issue later than usual for reasons
> beyond my control.  I am in a state of transition with numerous issues
> pending.  Internet connectivity is an added woe which I hope will be
> resolved soon.
> The past week has been particularly difficult for me because a colleague
> and a big brother James Monty Grey-Johnson lost his dear wife of 29 years
> Harriet Abioseh Grey-Johnson who was finally laid to rest in Abidjan on
> Wednesday 18th July.  May her soul rest in perfect peace.  To Jassey-Conteh
> and all those who lost dear ones recently, my sincere condolences.
> Concerning the Brufut land controversy and if I am not mistaken, the land
> in question was declared state land since 1990 or 1991 under the then
> GTZ/IDA/Urban Management and Development Project.  Unless there has been
> recent changes, the areas affected include most, if not all, of "Kombo
> tubab banko"(north, central and eastern Kombo).  It is due to this new
> classification that one is  required to show proof that the land was
> acquired from alkalolus/local authorities prior to 1990/91 before it could
> be leased.  Otherwise, it will revert to the State.  This is currently the
> law.  One can debate the merits/de-merits of the reclassification exercise
> but to question the legitimacy of the Brufut allocation ( and Yundum for
> that matter) based on traditional tenure is weak in the face of the current
> policy. Taf Construction was allocated the Brufut and Yundum lands under
> existing law.  As far as I am aware Taf Construction continues to abide by
> the regulations governing land allocation in Kombo"tubab banko."
> On a final note, I reiterate my support to the private sector operators and
> the numerous young Gambian men and women who are willing and ready to
> invest, despite the odds, for a reasonable return on their investment.
> Personally, I see nothing wrong with a socially responsible entrepreneur
> wishing to participate in the process of development in an honest and
> sincere manner and within the laws of the land.  To realise a reasonable
> return on one's investment is nothing to be apologetic about or be ashamed
> of.
> Sidi Sanneh
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