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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Recipients Cooindabb <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 17:26:50 +1030
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Roslyn McKearney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (186 lines)
Cooinda Computer Club

October 2001

Lifestyle Empowerment and Enhancement via
Computer, for people with a disability and/or
chronic illness and their carers.

Cooinda Online Web Site

Cooinda Online Moving

Well, I have news I did not expect to be having to tell. Cooinda Online web
site is moving. Our ISP Asia Online sent notification late last Friday
night, they are in liquidation and as of November 8th, will not be available
for dialup access.

Gerard and I spent the weekend searching for an ISP that would suit our
needs. Not fun, since there is very limited and only very expensive access
in the Riverland. We finally settled for OzEmail. They are a large Australia
wide company, who have been around since 1994 and most importantly, they
have a dialup Hub in Loxton. (Loxton, for those who do not know, is a
Riverland town situated on the opposite side of the Murray River, to where
we live in Berri.)

There were other ISP's with much better deals but with no Hub any where near
us, which would have meant expensive modem calls. We finally settled on two
accounts intead of one, in order to maintain our download level and amount
web space.

Having settled the question of a suitable ISP, I am now attempting to upload
the web site/s. My end is ready to go. I am now waiting on the ISP to sort
out a problem their end, affecting anyone trying to upload web sites, at

We were told the problem would be sorted out in 24 hrs. Well 24 hours are up
and they are not ready yet. So I will send this out since it is now the last
day of October in Australia and well and truly time for the monthly
newsletter to go out.

As soon as I have the web site/s up, I will send an update out.

Two Web Sites in One

I have divided the site into two web sites. Cooinda Online and McKearney's
Pages. This is to make full use of the two 5mb web spaces, which came with
the two accounts. This way, both areas can expand as was intended when we
had 10mb with one account.

The address for the Cooinda Online web site will be:


McKearney's Pages, will still be able to be accessed the Cooinda Online
Homepage as before because the two sites will be linked. You should not
notice any difference, except possibly a slight delay in loading, since you
will be transferring to another web site on the server.

However, if you wish to access something you know is in the McKearney's
Pages, you will be able to do so at:


In order to achieve splitting the web site in two and keep them as one, I
have had to change a lot of internal links. So please, if you find any that
are missing or leading to other than what they should be, let me know and I
will be most grateful. I did all this in an unexpected hurry so may have
made mistakes along the way. I've double checked and checked again but may
have missed something. Also, if you find any graphics missing, please let me

Please Note

The old web site will be accessible until at least the 3rd November, at:


Changes and New Areas

Prior to the sudden diversion, I did a complete overhaul of what was one web
site.  Changed the background to a computer related one, in the Computer
Club and BBS pages. Amazing what you find when you are not looking for it. I
searched for ages when I was setting up and could find very little in the
way of computer backgrounds and nothing suitable for being able to read off
of. However, I recently found a heap of backgrounds and even one suitable to
use. I have added them all to the Cooinda Computer Club Clipart area, under

I have added a link on every page, leading to the Text Homepage and an
archive for the newsletters. Other added areas, include a Cooinda Online
Games Room. There are some fun games to play online. I intend adding some
more, when things settle down a bit after the sudden move.

In McKearney's Pages - is the small beginnings of a Roz from Oz section.
It's going to add a bit of fun and at the same time an Aussie flavor, for
people overseas.

Site of the Week

Due to the move and all that has been involved I have not added a Website of
the Week this week.  However there is loads to feast of on in the Past
Website of the Week area. They can be accessed via a link on the Website of
the Week this week page.


Cooinda Online Chat Room

Every Wednesday 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm AUST EST at:


Please come and join in and get the chat off the ground.

How to Register
The first time you enter the Cooinda Chat Room, you will need to register.
You will be required to give your handle (Your Name) and a password.  You
may have to add a number or letters to your handle, if it has already been
taken by someone else.

After the initial registration  you will be able to simply  type in your
handle and password to log in each time you visit the chat room.

Important: Remember to write down your handle and password so you will have
it next time. Hint It's a good idea to register prior to chat time and too
be prepared to have a couple of alternative 'handles', in case the one you
chose is already in use.

All the instructions and Guidelines are on the website.


Computer Clips

This months Computer Clip is Courtesy of Dave George.


1. Open your mail program (outlook)
2.  Click on Sent Items.  Scan them quickly to make sure they are all ready
to be trashed.
3.  Click on any item to highlight it.
4.  Click on Edit, then click on Select All
5.  Click on the delete icon (big X)
6.  Click on Deleted items and follow the same procedure

Suggestion:  Make it a weekly routine.

Subscribe Newsletter

To Subscribe to Cooinda Computer Club Newsletter: Please Email me:
In the body of the email, please state: Subscribe - Your Name...e.g..
 Subscribe - Joe

If you prefer a Text version of the newsletter, please on the next line
state: Text

Please feel free to Unsubscribe at any time. You can subscribe again at a
later date, if you wish.

To Unsubscribe from Cooinda Computer Club Newsletter: Please email me:  In
the body of the email, please state: Unsubscribe - Your Name...e.g..
Unsubscribe - Joe Bloggs


Roslyn McKearney

Berri South Australia  Australia
Co-Facilitator: Cooinda Computer Club
Co-System Operator: Cooinda BBS
BBS Line 1 - 85 824 809
BBS Line 2 - 85 824 810
Cooinda E-mail: mailto:[log in to unmask]
Cooinda Online web site
Current URL: http://users.asiaonline.net.au/~cooindabbs
Please Note: I will add the new URL after the site are up.