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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:33:14 -0800
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I also have a bad reaction to the regular dental injections which consist of
Lidocaine and epinephrine.  As I develop severe tachycardia within seconds
of being given anything containing even the smallest amounts of epinephrine
I have my dentist give me carbocaine, an injection which DOES NOT contain
epinephrine.  The only side effect I get is a mild headache for a day or so
afterward.  Epinephrine is a vasoactive substance which causes problems for
sensitive individuals.  Epinephrine causes vaso constriction, which helps
stop any bleeding around the area where the dentist is working, it also
allows the injection area to get numb faster and stay that way longer.
Unfortunately for those of us sensitive to vasoactive amines, it has a
number of nasty side effects.

Some of the more common side effects to substances containing vasoactive
amines are as follows: Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), irregular heartbeat,
shakiness, tingling in hands, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, headache,
stomachache, diarrhea and increase in blood pressure.  The good side effects
are improved breathing (epinephrine like medications are used to treat
asthma) and increased energy.  As epinephrine is a stimulant you can feel
tired and/or washed out for a day or so afterward.  More sensitive
individuals may develop migraines for days afterward.

Vasoactive amines can be found in a great many foods and reactions to them
can mimic allergy.  NOTE: the longer meat and fish age, the higher the amine
levels. Fresh meat contains virtually no amines. Effects may vary, however,
ALL foods containing these amines have the ability to cause a whole
constellation of uncomfortable symptoms.

Here's a partial list of vaso active foods, medications and substances:
serotonin, tryptamine, dopamine, norepinephrine, avocado, banana, cabbage,
plum, orange, pineapple, wine, pickled herring, fermented cheese, seafood,
salt dried fish, honey, tomatoes, dextrose, caffeine, chocolate (contains
Phenylethylamine which makes us feel good and the stimulant theobromine,
which is lethal to dogs), most teas, Kava Kava, and ginseng.

A link containing information on foods containing vasoactive amines, their
side effects, and how to avoid them is located at:

Vasoactive amines should not to be confused with thermogenic foods, (e.g.
foods which increase your metabolism) which can also trigger similar
reactions in sensitive individuals.

Last Note: I've been extremely ill with gastric difficulties since
gallbladder surgery last December.  I actually waited 18 months to get my
gallbladder disease verified, during which I was extraordinarily ill and
lost over 100 pounds in a 9 month period.  I was constantly told I wasn't
ill, I was too hyper, and should learn to relax.  Unbelievably I was told my
gallbladder attack was GAS.  When the damned thing finally came out (6
months after my gallbladder attack) the surgeon told me it was severely
inflamed and had obviously not been working for a LONG time ... possibly

Last Saturday, when my diarrhea and abdominal pain became so severe I
couldn't stand it I went to Kaiser Urgent care.  After x-rays and blood work
all proved normal (other than an unusually large amount of gas in my
intestinal tract and stomach), the doctor stated I was too big to have
Celiac disease (which I have) or Prophyria (which I may have) as these
people tend to be thin and emaciated looking.  When I mentioned the fact
that my diagnosis had been verified by endoscopic biopsy he said something
to the effect of "how unusual and rare that was".

More than anything else this event reminded me why I love this list ... the
simple fact that we are able to help each other actually get well.
Knowledge is power, and this list empowers us ALL!!!  I've been sick for
most of my life, the greatest portion of which I was told my symptoms were
in my head (i.e. I'm a neurotic hypochondriac looking for attention).  After
years of research, study, trial and error I've gradually learned that all my
physical symptoms ARE REAL, and I'm NOT a nut case.  Unfortunately once
you've been labeled mentally ill and/or a hysteric, those awful labels tend
to stick like glue.  This list has been a god send, and the support I've
received priceless.  Thank you everyone for your kind words and assistance
over the past five years.  There's no doubt in my mind that without your
help I'd be dead by now, either by disease or suicide.

Love and Care,

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*