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Sat, 16 Feb 2002 14:13:15 -0500
KEATING, CAROLINE C (AIT) <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Below is the summary of Primal Defense    -- It looks like it is GF

I've been wanting to try this product for a while but like you, I'm
still a bit skeptical. I've called the company a few times and they keep
assuring me that the grains are gluten free because the grasses are used
and therefore don't contain the gluten kernals. And if there was any
gluten remaining it would be digested by enzymes. I'm leaning towards
trying this.

Please let me know if you hear anything definitive. You can call Garden
of Life at 800-622-8986 extension 2.  They also told me that if I wanted
to take their Perfect Food, I should take the blue bottle, not the
green. "Blue is good for Celiacs".


Primal Defense is gf.  My boys have taken it.  According to my doctor it
is a really great product.  Since my children are very young, it is
difficult to ask them if a product makes them feel better.  :)  We did
see a bit of die-off from yeast or bacteria or something when they first
began taking it.  It really did seem to clean the gunk out of their


I spent a greal deal of money on Primal Defense and my body seemed to like
it, but then my advanced holistic MD decided that it didn't work for healing
the intestinal flora balance. This was proven by my lab testing (which did
not improve after many months on Primal Defense; neither did any other of my
dr.'s patients situations improve. So he told all of us to quit using Primal
Defense, which is what I did). This product is quite expensive and despite
all of the hype from the company about it, it doesn't help increase the
amount of friendly bacteria in the gut, unfortunately.

What DOES work is Natren's Healthy Trinity. this is also very expensive but
amazing and gets the friendly bacteria where it needs to go. Along with
this, you need to take 3000 mg.'s of l-glutamine daily and a good digestive
enzyme (I take DigestEnz by Advanced Formula which I think is the absolute
best; I know a source where you can order it wholesale, if you are
interested). I have been very, very sick in the past with dysbiosis
(intestinal imbalance leading to terrible intestinal bacterial infections)
and now I am well and feel great. I also did a series of colonics which
cleaned out the gut so the acidophilus could implant; this was critical to
my healing in retrospect since I had tried everything else........by the
way, I have no financial interest in any of these companies or products,
just a listmember who has learned the hard way........


I'll be interested to hear what the consensus is on Primal Defense. I've
been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity with enteropathy by Dr. Kenneth Fine
in Dallas, however, not Celiac, and I also have an immune disease. My immune
doc first suggested Primal Defense and I seemed to improve a lot for about 3
months, but then felt worse again. Concerned about the barley grass, etc. in
the stuff, I asked Dr. Fine who said that anything with those type names in
the ingredients is not OK.

Then I called the manufacturer and they said, "this is gluten free because:
we buy the grasses as sprouts, no seeds are harvested and included, and we
harvest the plants before the 2nd shoot grows, which is where the gluten
originates. then even if there was some gluten in there, we use lactic acid
fermentation over 2 months and that breaks down the allergens."
I have yet to call Dr. Fine back with this info. to see what he thinks. I'm
confused. I know I feel better when I'm actively detoxing because of bad
bacteria in the gut. It could be that the Primal Defense makes me feel
better initially because it's helping my liver detox my gut, but then maybe
over time the gluten damages the gut enough to feel worse. I just don't


If you know your blood type there is a line of Probiotics specially
formulated for each of the four blood types.  I am Type O and have taken it
for over a year now...very good results.