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Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:21:29 -0500
Walter & Susan Owens <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Paul and Mary,
An interesting footnote:
I talked to Grace's teacher this morning, who is the grandmother of the
little girl with spina bifida mentioned on earlier posts, and the
grandmother said she was laid up with a migraine yesterday.  I told her I
had gotten a lot of relief from my predictable cycle-related headaches when
I began the gluten/free casein/free diet.  She said that she had had the
headaches all her life, she knows since she was three years old (maybe bread
and pasta time), but that as an adult, the headaches had been predictably
tied to the monthly cycle, same times as mine, and, just like mine, went
away during pregnancy.  Her daughter was diagnosed celiac ~ten years ago,
but has been off the diet for many, many years. Grandmother and mother are
both quite thin.
Paul, I haven't quite figured out how to tie into this thread the recently
reported information that some female elderly alzheimer's patients seem to
have improved mental status when they are on estrogen replacement therapy.
(I'm on the altheimer's list, too, folks, because my dad has dementia, and
has done better g/f c/f.)
Susan Owens