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Steve Zielinski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 11 May 2001 06:05:55 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (87 lines)
This message will be important for Window-Eyes users.  It deals with new
drivers for version 4.1.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 11:41:42 -0500
From: Doug Geoffray <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Updated SAPI driver for Window-Eyes 4.1

We have placed an updated SAPI driver on our ftp site.  The exact URL is:

This zip file (SAPI.ZIP) contains an updated SPEECH32.EXE driver for
Window-Eyes 4.1.   It is very important that you only install this updated
driver if you are using Window-Eyes 4.1.  You should NOT install this
driver with any other version, older or newer.  If the version number in
the Window-Eyes help about dialog doesn't say 4.1 exactly, you should not
use this driver.

The zip file contains two files (technote.txt and speech32.exe).  Simply
copy the file SPEECH32.EXE into the \WINEYES directory or whatever you
called it when you installed Window-Eyes.  You may be asked if you wish to
replace the existing copy.  If so, you should say yes.  Window-Eyes itself
can not be running while you do this.

This updated driver has the following enhancements:

1) IBM ViaVoice Outloud 5 is very similar to Eloquence 5 which ships with
Window-Eyes.  The text-to-speech engine is exactly the same.  In order to
make Eloquence more usable it was special cased to bring down the top
speech rate to something more usable and the language switching feature
only worked with Eloquence.  This updated driver will treat ViaVoice
Outloud 5 the exact same as Eloquence 5.  Meaning it will sound exactly the
same.  The speech rates will be the same and you will be able to use the
switch language hotkey to switch between the installed languages for
ViaVoice Outloud.

2) The built-in abbreviation dictionary is now disabled for both Eloquence
and ViaVoice Outloud.  In other words, you will no longer have a street
Bernard.  It will be a St. Bernard.

We made these changes because several of you have been asking for the
abbreviation dictionary to be disabled and IBM Home Page Reader 3.0 has a
conflict with Eloquence 5.  Their current solution is to have you switch
any adaptive software using Eloquence to ViaVoice Outloud and uninstall
Eloquence.  It should be noted that the problem is between ViaVoice
Outloud, Eloquence, and HPR.  Window-Eyes itself isn't an issue.  In fact,
Window-Eyes works fine with both ViaVoice Outloud and Eloquence installed
on the same machine.

Switching to ViaVoice Outloud may be a good short term solution for HPR
users.  But IBM needs to get the conflict resolved so people can have
Eloquence installed and be able to use it with other adaptive software
while using HPR.  Hopefully this will get resolved soon.  But again,
Window-Eyes has no issues with any of this.  Window-Eyes will co-exist with
both ViaVoice Outloud 5 and Eloquence 5 and be able to switch between the
two on the fly with no conflicts.


Doug Geoffray
GW Micro, Inc.
Voice 219-489-3671
Fax 219-489-2608

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