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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 13:20:42 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
<< I recall once reading a remark by Loren Cordain that he permits
 himself one "anything goes" meal per week, to relieve stress and
 remain in touch.  In our culture the effort to maintain
 paleo-purity can itself be a high-stress proposition, and I
 suspect this can be as dangerous as anything we might otherwise
 eat. >>

 This is an example of how far our culture has come from recognizing the
true reason for food.  We have to come to a point where we understand the
true nature of food.  It SHOULD be stressful to put something in your body
that doesn't belong there.

"Relieving stress" by eating things that are not compatible with one's body
sounds no different from consuming alcohol to "relieve stress" or using
drugs to "relieve stress".  In all of these scenarios, the human being is
confused and hurting him/herself as a result of this confusion.

Do I ever consume something that is not proper fuel for my body?  Sure,
occasionally I do.  But it's not something I plan and I don't name it
"cheating" and assume an attitude of excitement that I've "gotten away" with
something.  It is what it is - maladaptive, addictive behavior.  I note how
I feel after eating something I consider not compatible with my body, and I
especially note how I feel the next day.  If your regular diet is really
clean, you WILL feel not so well the next day after putting something in
your body that your body struggles to handle.

This post is not meant to criticize anyone, it's meant to share my thoughts
on how far away we are from understanding what food really is.
