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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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Abu-Hassan Koroma <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Sat, 5 Jan 2002 08:25:30 +0800
text/plain (36 lines)
Mr. Redd:

You missed the point.  This issue is not about Conduit, even though he is the central figure.  It is not about the disaggrements he may have with our  list "affiliation" with the Mayor through Mr. Munoz.  It is definitely not about whatever rancour he may bear for Mr. Munoz.  That is their issue and they can discuss it here or they can discuss it at the numerous forums that the city pulls together.  Mr. Munoz is a fine man and Conduit's opinion will not change our perception of him, especially those of us who have had the opportunity to feel his reach.

If he was banned without notification, that is wrong.  If he tried to post a message with over 200 words and got "return to sender messages", that is his problem.  But if his email still works and he cannot post, there is only one conclusion -  he was either banned advertently or inadvertently.  Either way, an explanation is necessary.

 That has nothing to stop the African Association from pursuing its grandiose enterprise.  The Association has been working on this for the past ten years and we are still on it.

Rather than misconstrue the good intentions of those who want to delve into this matter and bring it to an amicable conclusion, I will suggest you first review the AAM listserve site, evaluate the Moderators activies and then make a judgement.  That would close the first part of this issue.

 As I said earlier, the onus of responsibility will then squarely rest on Conduit.  If this is a hoax on his part, then I will definitely move that he be suspended from posting on the net.

But again a net is never really interesting without the Conduits.  Pest would never have been created by devine instruction if they have no biological role in natural realm of things.  Life is too boring without "unnormal" people. Is that what it is?

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