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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 03:35:12 EST
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Kirt wrote "Anyone know anything about Hepatis C and alternative treatments?
A good friend is stuggling with this and I can't seem to find much online so
                                              By Dr.Bernarr, D.C., D.D.

                                              WHAT IS THE LIVER?
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The liver, which weighs 4 pounds,
is the largest and most complex organ in your body. It is dark reddish brown.
The liver is located behind your lower ribs on the right side of your
abdomen. It is convex above and fits under the diaphragm. It is concave below
and fits over your right kidney, ascending colon and pyloric end of your
The physiology of the liver is: bile production, forms glycogen which
supplies sugar to the blood, gives rise to heparin or antithrombin, proteins
changed into substances that can be eliminated, urea, etc., finishes
disintegration of erythrocytes, secretes into  the bile various poisonous
substances, regulation of blood volume, manufacture of serum albumin,
manufacture of serum globulin, manufacture of fibrinogen and prothrombin,
forms blood in embryo, produces heat, forms vitamin A from carotene, storage
of iron and copper and vitamins A, D and B 12, detoxification functions and
doubtless many other functions in relation to the constancy of the internal
                                           WHAT IS HEPATITIS C?
170 million people world-wide have hepatitis C. Hepatitis C, HCV, causes at
least 80 percent of the hepatitis cases arising from blood transfusions, plus
many scattered cases of acute hepatitis. It is most commonly transmitted by
injecting drug users who share needles. Hepatitis C virus, it is contended,
is responsible for many cases of chronic hepatitis and some cases of
cirrhosis and liver cancer. Cirrhosis eventually develops in about 20% of
patients with chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis C, has the highest likelihood of
chronicity. People with alcoholic liver disease often have hepatitis C, as
Hepatitis C, it is alleged, is one of five currently identified hepatitis
viruses. It ranks second only to alcoholism as a cause of liver disease and
is the leading reason for liver transplants in the USA.
                       SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF ACUTE HEPATITIS C
Symptoms of acute hepatitis C are: slight fatigue, nausea or poor appetite,
fever, dry, husky cough, shortness of breath, shooting pains about the chest,
sympathetic pain in the right shoulder, vomiting, muscle and joint pains,
decreased tolerance for cigarette smoke, dark urine, constipation or
diarrhea, jaundice (yellow skin), yellow appearance of the white of the eye
(yellow sclera) and tender, palpable enlarged liver.
75% of acute hepatitis C cases become chronic. Symptoms of chronic hepatitis
C are: fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, persistent or
recurring yellowing of your skin and eyes (jaundice) and low-grade fever.
                                   CAUSES OF HEPATITIS C
Hepatitis C is caused by bad habits and conditions, such as overwork,
overeating junk foods, alcohol drinking, drugs, chemicals and constipation.
Its dietary causes are the eating and drinking of refined sugar, refined
starches, salt, condiments, coffee, coffee substitutes, chocolate, etc. This
results in enervating (exhausting) the body and causes a systemic toxemia.
The liver as a result, becomes impaired.
                            HOW TO HELP HEAL HEPATITIS C
Your liver can be helped to regenerate by proper diet even when it is
impaired to a dangerously pathological extent. Your body and your liver never
do wrong things. Your inherent intelligence, your God within, always does
whatever is necessary to homeostatically help you optimumly survive and
function. Your liver will spontaneously heal when the cause and need for its
hepatitis C, no longer exists.
Hepatitis C is a perversion of nutrition. When the nutrition of the person
who has hepatitis C is corrected, the hepatitis C will help heal, completely
and permanently.
Your hepatitis C is systemic in origin. Your body is enervated (exhausted)
and has caused your bodily systems to be toxic. The causes of your enervating
toxicosis are incorrect lifestyle, incorrect mentality and incorrect
spirituality. Your entire body needs a physiological rest to optimumly heal
your hepatitis C, completely and permanently. To help heal hepatitis C,
completely and permanently, the person with the hepatitis C, must stop all
activities that cause enervation (exhaustion) and toxemia. The patient with
the hepatitis C, should be taught how to eat natural, raw, unprocessed foods,
with all of the essential minerals and essential nutrients, that are
palatable and that agree with the patient, exposure to pure air, drinking
good water, progressive resistance exercise, air bathing and sunbathing,
adequate sleep, feeling meditation, water fasting (physiological rest) when
the patient is symptomatic and not genuinely hungry, i.e., salivating for
food. The patient should never do anything that does not improve the
patient's physicality, mentality and spirituality. The patient should never
do anything from which the patient must recover. The patient to help heal,
should pursue conservation of sexual energy and pursue appropriate
observation of all the other needs of life.

To help heal your hepatitis C rapidly, completely and permanently, do water
fasting with "feeling meditation". You do this by abstaining from all food
but water, lie down, close your eyes and keep them closed and "feel" and
meditate on whatever symptoms your hepatitis C is producing until you are
asymptomatic. If you do this, I guarantee you, that your hepatitis C will
help heal completely and permanently.
                                                 HOW CAN I HELP YOU?
I have helped heal hepatitis C in many people, completely and permanently,
world-wide, via the Internet. Contact me NOW and I will help you heal your
hepatitis C via the Internet.
Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D. God Healing, Inc. Natural Hygiene Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 1523 Santa Monica California 90406 USA
Telephone: 310-396-2914; 310-452-0458
Web Site:              E-mail: [log in to unmask]