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Mon, 11 Feb 2002 09:18:15 EST
Cindy Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here's a list of all the well-regarded advice.  Those few who said, "Maybe
you are hungry"  don't seem to be very in tune with the majority...by the
time Celiac is on your plate, I think you ought to be more sensitive to your
own body and have more compassion for others.

"...bad combinations of food during a meal period."

"I'd probably consult an internist"

"The rumblings are simple gas bubbles moving around in the gut. ...two
reasons may cause this gas.  If you are not absorbing properly in the small
intestine, you have foodstuffs in the large intestine that normally aren't
there.  If you have unabsorbed fats, they may actually be going rancid in the
gut.  More likely, the intestinal flora are having a field day digesting
nutrients they don't usually get treated to.  These are just "folk" remedies,
but I've had the same problems; I have added lots of warm fluid to my diet in
the form of tea, and tried to bolster the "good" flora in my gut by eating
live culture yoghurt and taking lactobacillus.  I also have noticed a
relation between the gas and the amount of fats in my diet."

"Talk it over with a holistic doctor first, then try taking 2 to 4 billion,
yes billion, milk and gluten free ACIDOPHILUS in the morning on an empty
stomach....an hour before the meal.  And one billion between meals during the
day.  Try this for 2 or 3 days, and you might see immediate relief.   For me
the results were amazing, and almost the same day.  You might also try a
hydrochloric acid digestive aid."

"Try the brown rice.  I've found that brown rice eases my stomach more
effectively than white.  No idea why. Yogi Tea, the ginger one, helps...drink
it after eating"

"The artificial sweeteners are terrible for your stomach".

"The Specific Carbohydrate Diet...It will stop ALL rumblings!"

"Could be that your digestive system is just very sensitive right now.  So
maybe you don't want to stress it with eating large meals...try pickled plum
(umeboshi) tea.  It's an old japanese remedy."

"Most likely it's from yeast, possibly other bacteria.  Foods that are not
completely digested and completely absorbed, are available for the yeast to
eat, and when they do, they produce gas as a waste product. "


Time is what we have.  Thank you for your ideas and well-wishes.  I have
indeed discovered that apples and pears have been the culprit.  I was juicing
them in the morning, and by 2pm I got the rumbling.  Having eliminated them
for 2 days, enjoying the peace and quite!, I reintroduced one, got the upset,
then did the same for the other....same response.  So, no enzymes to rid the
fruit?  Candida was already ruled out with bloodwork.
