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Wed, 17 Oct 2001 07:41:35 -0500
Janet Rinehart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Friends,

Returning from the CSA conference in Minneapolis, I want to share some
important information I learned. All the presenters laid the issue of
pure distilled to rest, believing that the process of distillation
eliminates gliadin from getting through into the distillate.  Therefore,
we don't have to worry about pure distilled vinegar any more!! (with
exceptions noted below in terms of enhancements, additions, and malt)
Also, the single word "vinegar" on a label should indicate only cider
vinegar; this interpretation has not been previously understood by all
the celiac community, thinking that the word indicated distilled
vinegar.  This news is so helpful for all celiacs!

According to a new 2001 publication from CSA/USA, "Grains+ Glossary", "
'vinegar' or 'apple cider vinegar' or 'apple vinegar' on a food label on
a product of the U.S. must be made from apples; CFR, Tital 21, Section
525.825, revised March 1995.  Note:  A segment of those on a celiac diet
report reactions to malt vinegar, distilled vinegar, recycled vinegars,
enhanced vinegars, stabilized vinegars and color added vinegars. Avoid
barley malt and wheat."

I wish you all had attended this CSA Annual Conference.  Only a few
folks cancelled because of the Sept. 11 activities.  I guess we celiacs
are a hardy bunch and are very eager to learn as much as possible.  I
understand there were about 350 in attendance plus some local daily
attendees.  The spirit of cooperation was very evident!   Kudos to
President Mary Schluckebier, the CSA Board, and local Minneapolis
committee for pulling off an exciting and valuable conference!  Next
year's conference in Omaha will be celebrating 25 years of the CSA
organization.  Think now about attending.

Janet Rinehart
Former President, CSA/USA, Inc.
Chairman, Houston Celiac-Sprue Support Group